AllenInstitute / visual_behavior_analysis

Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior
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shameful old branch that should have been merged long ago #785

Closed matchings closed 2 years ago

matchings commented 2 years ago

This branch started out as changes to scripts that I use to run cluster jobs, which shouldn't affect anyone else's work

However there are also a few improvements to other main functions here and there that should be reviewed more carefully (especially anything in data_access.loading).

In addition, I have added several useful functions indata_access.utilities to add columns to the experiment_table (all automatically applied to the output of loading.get_platform_paper_experiment_table), as well as functions to filter experiments and cells according to our various selection criteria we have discussed. These parts of the code should be reviewed carefully by anyone who will use it.

I have merged in update_loading_nwband master recently, so there shouldn't be any conflicts there