AllenInstitute / visual_behavior_analysis

Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior
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computation of fano factor is incorrect #806

Closed alexpiet closed 2 years ago

alexpiet commented 2 years ago

In visual_behavior.ophys.response_analysis.cell_metrics one metric that is computed is the fano factor. I believe this metric is being incorrectly computed.

The code is defined here:

mean_responses = group.mean_response.values
sd = np.nanstd(mean_responses)
mean_response = np.nanmean(mean_responses)
fano_factor = np.abs((sd * 2) / mean_response)

However the fano factor is defined as the ratio of the variance to the mean (, so this code should be:

mean_responses = group.mean_response.values
var = np.nanvar(mean_responses)
mean_response = np.nanmean(mean_responses)
fano_factor = np.abs(nanvar / mean_response)

Technically, fano factor is used for positive valued responses, so the fact that the mean response is sometimes negative is a bit hard to deal with, but I think the use of np.abs() is probably ok.