As an end user, I want to be able to fetch rig metadata from slims given a full or partial rig id, so I can add a rig and use rig-related etls or so that a downstream process can do this on upload of raw data
Acceptance criteria
[ ] This is something that can be verified to show that this user story is satisfied.
Sprint Ready Checklist
[ ] 1. Acceptance criteria defined
[ ] 2. Team understands acceptance criteria
[ ] 3. Team has defined solution / steps to satisfy acceptance criteria
[ ] 4. Acceptance criteria is verifiable / testable
[ ] 5. External / 3rd Party dependencies identified
[ ] 6. Ticket is prioritized and sized
For the dynamic routing project, the full rig metadata rig_id may not be known at runtime so the partial matching id part is particularly important
User story
As an end user, I want to be able to fetch rig metadata from slims given a full or partial rig id, so I can add a rig and use rig-related etls or so that a downstream process can do this on upload of raw data
Acceptance criteria
Sprint Ready Checklist