Closed mekhlakapoor closed 6 months ago
Updated response for subject_id 714640:
{ "message": "Valid Model.", "data": { "describedBy": "", "schema_version": "0.5.5", "subject_id": "714640", "sex": "Male", "date_of_birth": "2023-11-07", "genotype": "wt/wt", "species": { "name": "Mus musculus", "abbreviation": null, "registry": { "name": "National Center for Biotechnology Information", "abbreviation": "NCBI" }, "registry_identifier": "10090" }, "alleles": [], "background_strain": null, "breeding_info": null, "source": { "name": "Other", "abbreviation": null, "registry": null, "registry_identifier": null }, "rrid": null, "restrictions": null, "wellness_reports": [], "housing": null, "notes": null } }
closes #222
Fixes subject mapping so that it only creates breedingInfo model if atleast one of the values exists. Else, breeding_info=None. If breeding_info, then source is Allen Institute, otherwise Other
some ids to check: 714640, 714650, 999