AllenNeuralDynamics / dynamic-foraging-task

Bonsai/Harp workflow for Dynamic Foraging with Python GUI for visualization and control
MIT License
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Session metadata - go_cue_decibel #468

Open alexpiet opened 2 months ago

alexpiet commented 2 months ago

Right now this is hard coded at 60 dB in the default settings. I'm not sure how this level is set. Is that a thing that needs to be calibrated? Should this value get placed in the rig metadata? Or does it belong in the session metadata because it could be a parameter that gets changed on a session by session basis?

UPDATE: We should determine a calibration scheme for the sound level. The bonsai workflow needs to be modified to allow sound calibration, and the setting should be saved in Setting_box.csv. Then we need to calibrate each rig. In progress here:

JeremiahYCohen commented 2 months ago

Yes, we should measure speaker output in each rig. Rig metadata should have calibration curves. Session metadata should include stimuli used in the experiment (e.g., dB).

hagikent commented 2 months ago

Working on this while consulting Galen and Anna, who have proper auditory research experience/training. Apparently we have been borrowing the measurement device from Shawn's group but we should have one for 446/447.