AllenNeuralDynamics / dynamic-foraging-task

Bonsai/Harp workflow for Dynamic Foraging with Python GUI for visualization and control
MIT License
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Metadata errors to fix #510

Open alexpiet opened 4 weeks ago

alexpiet commented 4 weeks ago



alexpiet commented 3 weeks ago

@XX-Yin Can you take care of the Session metadata updates?

XX-Yin commented 3 weeks ago

@XX-Yin Can you take care of the Session metadata updates?

I can handle the session metadata.

hagikent commented 17 hours ago

I saw a couple behavior_json has erroneous entries such as animal_weight_post = 24..12 (should reas 24.12) Would it be possible to "force" input type?

This causes ValueError: could not convert string to float and would be a reason for session.json not being produced.

XX-Yin commented 8 hours ago

I can add a format check when using the animal_weight_post in the session metadata. Please let me know if you find other edge cases.

XX-Yin commented 8 hours ago

I saw a couple behavior_json has erroneous entries such as animal_weight_post = 24..12 (should reas 24.12) Would it be possible to "force" input type?

This causes ValueError: could not convert string to float and would be a reason for session.json not being produced.

This session should be an old session. The current GUI will check the format and the non-numeric expression is not allowed.