Example code for using OpenCL to calculate a downsampled pyramid using averaging on the GPU and appending to a dictionary (pyramid format expected by Napari).
import numpy as np
from gputools import OCLProgram, OCLArray, get_device
class DownSample():
def __init__(self):
self.downsample_factor = 2
self.downsample_levels = 5
# opencl kernel
__kernel void downsample2d(__global short * input,
__global short * output){
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
int Nx = get_global_size(0);
int Ny = get_global_size(1);
int res = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < BLOCK; ++m)
for (int n = 0; n < BLOCK; ++n)
output[Nx*j+i] = (short)(res/BLOCK/BLOCK);
self.prog = OCLProgram(src_str=self.kernel, build_options=['-D',f'BLOCK={self.downsample_factor}'])
def compute(self,image):
pyramid = []
for level in range(0,self.downsample_levels):
x_g = OCLArray.from_array(image)
y_g = OCLArray.empty(tuple(s//self.downsample_factor for s in image.shape), image.dtype)
self.prog.run_kernel(f'downsample2d', y_g.shape[::-1], None, x_g.data, y_g.data)
image = y_g.get()
return pyramid
Example code for using OpenCL to calculate a downsampled pyramid using averaging on the GPU and appending to a dictionary (pyramid format expected by Napari).
Uses the gputools library from Martin Weigert https://github.com/maweigert/gputools.
Example usage: