AllenXiangX / SnowflakeNet

(TPAMI 2023) Snowflake Point Deconvolution for Point Cloud Completion and Generation with Skip-Transformer
MIT License
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Need explanation about Output files #5

Closed ema2161 closed 2 years ago

ema2161 commented 2 years ago

Thanks about the code, I need some information about the output files. For example for the chair class of pcn there are 5 folders as pcd0 to pcd3 and pcdc with many files in each of them. First what are they and why are they in 5 different files and second, what kind of tools do you suggest for visualizing and considering them? I found that all of the output .h5 files have the same data values!

AllenXiangX commented 2 years ago

Hi, pcdc, pcd0, pcd1, pcd2, pcd3 are Pc, P0, P1, P2, P3 in the paper. You can change the core/inference_*.py file according to your need. We use open3 for visualizing point cloud.

I found that all of the output .h5 files have the same data values!

Do you mean that .h5 files all have the same key 'data'? you can access the point cloud by

f = h5py.File('path_to_pcd.h5', 'r');
pcd = f['data'][:]
MaryElna commented 2 years ago

Hi, I tried to access the point clouds with the code you mentioned, but some files have no key! Or maybe libraries are needed to import or install. I ll be appreciate to let me know the solution. image

AllenXiangX commented 2 years ago

Hi, I tried to access the point clouds with the code you mentioned, but some files have no key! Or maybe libraries are needed to import or install. I ll be appreciate to let me know the solution. image

I'm sorry I never met problem like this, did you change the inference file? do all .h5 files have no key or just some of them? my suggestion is to debug the inference file and check if the saving function ( is working.

Zhou-Yuen commented 2 years ago

Hi, I tried to access the point clouds with the code you mentioned, but some files have no key! Or maybe libraries are needed to import or install. I ll be appreciate to let me know the solution. image

hi,could you share me the dataset with me?my conmputer can"t download.Thank you very much!!!