Aller-Couleur / handlebars-i18n

handlebars-i18next.js adds the internationalization features of i18next and Intl to handlebars.js
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A docker container image for the API would be really cool on Docker Hub #50

Open andrewperry opened 1 year ago

andrewperry commented 1 year ago

I would be interested in contributing this, although it would be cool if the image was rebuilt as part of your CI process ( so feel free to message me if you'd like to discuss how we could help support adding it to your workflow!

fwalzel commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks! I have worked with serverless / S3 Lambda before but have little docker experience. Could you sketch in a few words how one would proceed creating a docker image.

andrewperry commented 1 year ago

This looks like a pretty solid introduction to a node app in a docker image generally:

and there is a follow up on how this can be integrated with GitHub Actions for automatically publishing to a Docker container registry (in that case the Github one rather than the Docker one):