AlloyTools / org.alloytools.alloy

Alloy is a language for describing structures and a tool for exploring them. It has been used in a wide range of applications from finding holes in security mechanisms to designing telephone switching networks. This repository contains the code for the tool.
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`natural` and `sequence` don't import #112

Closed hwayne closed 1 year ago

hwayne commented 4 years ago

Given the following spec:

open util/natural

Running it gives the following error:


Given the following spec:

open util/sequence[A]

sig A {}

Running it gives the following error:


My guess is that these were both for Alloy 3, and no longer work in Alloy 4. Does anybody use either of these models in a production spec?

pkriens commented 2 years ago

@dnjackson could you comment?

Joshua27 commented 2 years ago

We also get the first error when opening util/natural, but only on Windows. The reason might be that Windows uses backslashes in file paths and a file path is compared in line 1339:

grayswandyr commented 2 years ago

The first reported error doesn't happen with Alloy 6 on my system (Ubuntu). The second is easily resolved with adequate parentheses (so I guess solving the issue is just a metter of patching util/natural):

module util/sequence[elem]

 * Creates sequences (or lists) of elements. The ordered signature SeqIdx
 * represents the indexes at which elements can be located, and a sequence
 * is modeled as a mapping from indexes to elements. Empty sequences are
 * allowed, and a sequence may have a single element appear multiple times.
 * Maximum length of a sequence is determined by the scope of SeqIdx.
 * Sequences always cover an initial segment of SeqIdx. That is, every
 * sequence (except the empty sequence) begins at the first SeqIdx and does
 * not have gaps in indexes that it covers. In other words, if a sequence has
 * its last element at index i, then the sequence has elements at all the
 * indexes that precede i.
 * Oftentimes, a model will need to require that all sequences that could
 * exist, do exist. Calling the allExist predicate will ensure that that there is
 * a Seq atom for each possible sequences of elements with length less than
 * or equal to the scope of SeqIdx.
 * The functions and predicates at the bottom of this module provide all
 * functionality of util/ordering on SeqIdx.
 * revisions: Greg Dennis

open util/ordering[SeqIdx] as ord

sig SeqIdx {}

sig Seq {
   seqElems: SeqIdx -> lone elem
  // Ensure that elems covers only an initial segment of SeqIdx,
  // equal to the length of the signature
  all i: SeqIdx - ord/first | some i.seqElems => some ord/prev[i].seqElems

/** no two sequences are identical */
fact canonicalizeSeqs {
  no s1, s2: Seq | s1!=s2 && s1.seqElems=s2.seqElems

/** invoke if you want none of the sequences to have duplicates */
pred noDuplicates {
  all s: Seq | !s.hasDups

/** invoke if you want all sequences within scope to exist */
pred allExist {
  (some s: Seq | s.isEmpty) &&
  (all s: Seq | SeqIdx !in s.inds => (all e: elem | some s": Seq | s.add[e, s"]))

/** invoke if you want all sequences within scope with no duplicates */
pred allExistNoDuplicates {
  some s: Seq | s.isEmpty
  all s: Seq {
    SeqIdx !in s.inds => (all e: elem - s.elems | some s": Seq | s.add[e, s"])

/** returns element at the given index */
fun at [s: Seq, i: SeqIdx]: lone elem { i.(s.seqElems) }

/** returns all the elements in this sequence */
fun elems [s: Seq]: set elem { SeqIdx.(s.seqElems) }

/** returns the first element in the sequence */
fun first [s:Seq]: lone elem {[ord/first] }

/** returns the last element in the sequence */
fun last [s:Seq]: lone elem {[s.lastIdx] }

 * true if the argument is the "cdr" of this sequence
 * false if this sequence is empty
pred rest [s, r: Seq] {
   all i: SeqIdx |[i] =[ord/next[i]]

/** true if the sequence is empty */
pred isEmpty [s:Seq] { no s.elems }

/** true if this sequence has duplicates */
pred hasDups [s:Seq] { # elems[s] < # inds[s] }

/** returns all the indices occupied by this sequence */
fun inds [s:Seq] : set SeqIdx { elem.~(s.seqElems) }

/** returns last index occupied by this sequence */
fun lastIdx [s:Seq] : lone SeqIdx { ord/max[s.inds] }

 * returns the index after the last index
 * if this sequence is empty, returns the first index,
 * if this sequence is full, returns empty set
fun afterLastIdx [s:Seq] : lone SeqIdx {
  ord/min[SeqIdx - s.inds]

/** returns first index at which given element appears or the empty set if it doesn't */
fun idxOf [s: Seq, e: elem] : lone SeqIdx { ord/min[s.indsOf[e]] }

/** returns last index at which given element appears or the empty set if it doesn't */
fun lastIdxOf [s: Seq, e: elem] : lone SeqIdx { ord/max[s.indsOf[e]] }

/** returns set of indices at which given element appears or the empty set if it doesn't */
fun indsOf [s: Seq, e: elem] : set SeqIdx { (s.seqElems).e }

/** true if this starts with prefix */
pred startsWith [s, prefix: Seq] {
  all i: prefix.inds |[i] =[i]

/** added is the result of appending e to the end of s */
pred add [s: Seq, e: elem, added: Seq] {
  added.seqElems[s.afterLastIdx] = e
  #added.inds = (#s.inds).add[1]

/** setted is the result of setting value at index i to e */
pred setAt [s: Seq, idx: SeqIdx, e: elem, setted: Seq] {
  setted.seqElems = s.seqElems ++ idx->e

/** inserts is the result of inserting value e at index i */
pred insert [s: Seq, idx: SeqIdx, e: elem, inserted: Seq] {[idx] = e
  all i: ord/prevs[idx] |[i] =[i]
  all i: ord/nexts[idx] |[i] =[ord/prev[i]]
  #inserted.inds = (#s.inds).add[1]

/** copies source into dest starting at destStart */
pred copy [source, dest: Seq, destStart: SeqIdx] {
  all sourceIdx : source.inds | some destIdx: SeqIdx {
    ord/gte[destIdx, destStart][destIdx] =[sourceIdx]
    #ord/prevs[sourceIdx] = #(ord/prevs[destIdx] - ord/prevs[destStart])

/** appended is the result of appending s2 to s1 */
pred append [s1, s2, appended: Seq] {
  copy[s2, appended, s1.afterLastIdx]
  #appended.inds = (#s1.inds).add[#s2.inds]

/** sub is the subsequence of s between from and to, inclusive */
pred subseq [s, sub: Seq, from, to: SeqIdx] {
  ord/lte[from, to]
  copy[sub, s, from]
  #sub.inds = #(to + ord/prevs[to] - ord/prevs[from])

fun firstIdx: SeqIdx { ord/first }

fun finalIdx: SeqIdx { ord/last }
grayswandyr commented 1 year ago

fixed in 368a6f1d2c2ce8e63743b46c1420997497a9205b