AlloyTools / org.alloytools.alloy

Alloy is a language for describing structures and a tool for exploring them. It has been used in a wide range of applications from finding holes in security mechanisms to designing telephone switching networks. This repository contains the code for the tool.
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hybrid and parallel mode mask Translation Capacity Error #190

Closed soaresCecilia closed 1 year ago

soaresCecilia commented 1 year ago

I'm using Alloy Analyzer 6.1.0, java version 15 and a macOS Monterey version 12.6, with 3,5 GHz Intel Core i7 dual core and 16GB of memory.

While specifying Paxos protocol I've observed that sometimes some Translation Capacity errors are masked by hybrid and parallel strategies. I have a big and silly example case to reproduce the error, but the intention it's to be able to show it.

open util/ordering[Ballot]

sig Value {}
sig Ballot {}
sig Acceptor {
    var maxBal : lone Ballot,
    var maxVote: lone Vote,
    var sent : Type -> Ballot -> Payload
sig Quorum {
    acceptors : some Acceptor
one sig None {}
abstract sig Type {}
one sig M1A,M1B,M2A,M2B extends Type {}
abstract sig Vote {
    value : Value,
    ballot : Ballot
sig Payload = Value + Vote + None {}

fact AllPossibleVotesExist {
    all v : Value, b : Ballot | some x : Vote | x.value = v and x.ballot = b
fact Quorums {
    all x,y : Quorum | some x.acceptors & y.acceptors
fact Init {
    no maxBal
    no maxVote
    no sent 
fact Next {
    always (nop or
        some b: Ballot | phase1A[b] or
        some a: Acceptor | phase2B[a])

pred phase1A[b: Ballot] {
    no Acceptor.sent[M1A][b]
    some a : Acceptor | sent' = sent + a->M1A->b->None
    maxBal' = maxBal
    maxVote' = maxVote
pred phase2B[a: Acceptor] { 
    some b : Ballot, x : Acceptor.sent[M1A][b], v : Vote {
        no a.sent[M2B][b]
        no a.maxBal or gte[b, a.maxBal]
        v.ballot = b and v.value = x
        maxBal' = maxBal ++ a->b
        maxVote' = maxVote ++ a->v
        sent' = sent + a->M2B->b->x
pred nop {
    maxBal' = maxBal
    maxVote' = maxVote
    sent' = sent
pred chosenAt[b: Ballot, v: Value] {
    some q: Quorum | all a: q.acceptors | v in a.sent[M2B][b]

fun chosenValues : set Value {
    {v: Value | some b: Ballot | chosenAt[b, v]}

assert ChosenValue {
    always lone chosenValues
check ChosenValue for exactly 3 Value, 2 Quorum, 
    exactly 3 Acceptor, exactly 4 Ballot, 
    exactly 12 Vote, 27..27 steps

When executing the check command with batch mode a translation capacity error occurs. However the same command and scope work in parallel and hybrid mode. Actually, the Analyzer returns, in few milliseconds, that "No counterexample found. Assertion may be valid.", even though it has not processed any variable. This can be seen in the picture below.


nmacedo commented 1 year ago

Fixed for 6.2 (Pardinus 1.3.1).