AlloyTools / org.alloytools.alloy

Alloy is a language for describing structures and a tool for exploring them. It has been used in a wide range of applications from finding holes in security mechanisms to designing telephone switching networks. This repository contains the code for the tool.
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Missing extended visualizer? #223

Closed zmitchell closed 8 months ago

zmitchell commented 8 months ago

I downloaded the latest official JAR and ran java -jar <path/to/jar> executed a simple model, and the visualizer doesn't have the buttons for "New Init", "New Fork", etc as seen in the screenshots in this post:

All I have for exploring is the "New" button. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing?

System info:

alcinocunha commented 8 months ago

Are all your sigs and fields static (not declared with var)? If so, then you will see only one "New" button. The other "News" only appear when you have something mutable.

zmitchell commented 8 months ago

Ah, you’re exactly right, I’ve only been playing around with static stuff so far. Thanks, I thought I was losing my mind!