AlloyTools / org.alloytools.alloy

Alloy is a language for describing structures and a tool for exploring them. It has been used in a wide range of applications from finding holes in security mechanisms to designing telephone switching networks. This repository contains the code for the tool.
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Skolemization results on Table View #74

Closed ferhaterata closed 5 months ago

ferhaterata commented 5 years ago

Hi Peter,

Thank you for introducing 'compact' tables to the Alloy community. I think they are extremely useful.

It would be great if the table view could also show tuples coming from skolemization. Have you considered this before?

In fact, while enumerating instances in the solution space using the table view, several models might look isomorphic to the user if the skolem values are different but the rest of the instances are the same.

In the following, I listed several observations:





open util/ordering [Stack] as StackOrder

sig Stack{
    nodes: set Node,
    top: lone nodes,
    nextNode: Node -> lone Node,
    action: lone Action
    all disj n1, n2: nodes | one n1.nextNode and one n2.nextNode => n1.nextNode != n2.nextNode

    all n: Node - nodes | no n.nextNode and no nextNode.n

    all n: nodes | n in top.*nextNode

    no n: nodes | n in n.^nextNode

sig Node{}

enum Action {push, pop}

pred push[s, s': Stack, n: Node]{
    s'.nodes = s.nodes + n
    s'.nextNode = s.nextNode + (n ->
    s.action = push

pred pop[s, s': Stack]{
    s'.nodes = s.nodes -
    s'.nextNode = s.nextNode - ( ->
    s.action = pop

fun getTop [s: Stack]: lone Node { } 


pred init[s:Stack]{
    no s.nodes

fact{ no StackOrder/last.action}

fact traces{
    all s: Stack - last | 
        some n: Node |
            push[s, s.StackOrder/next, n] or pop[s, s.StackOrder/next]

run {} for 4 

check pushAndPopOkay{
    all s, s', s'': Stack, n: Node - s.nodes | 
        push[s, s', n] and pop[s', s''] 
            => s.nodes = s''.nodes and = s''.top
} for 7 but 3 Stack
check popEmptyStackOkay{
    all s, s':Stack | pop[s, s'] and init[s] implies init[s']
} for 3 but 3 Stack
check popReturnsAlwaysTop{
    all s, s' : Stack | pop[s, s'] and !init[s] implies no getTop[s].(s.nextNode)
} for 3 but 2 Stack

It can be visualized like this:


Does this make sense? Do you think that this approach can be generalized for all skolemization cases?



nmacedo commented 1 year ago

Added for 6.2. Note that skolem vars cannot be associated to a sig table since they may relate atoms from different sigs. So I've introduced a new table for each skolem var.

pkriens commented 6 months ago

so this is done?