AllskyTeam / allsky

A Raspberry Pi operated Wireless Allsky Camera
MIT License
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FTP was solved with old version of AllSky #415

Closed maserowik closed 3 years ago

maserowik commented 3 years ago

Greetings, with the older version of Allsky I was able to follow this link to get the ftp working

I added the setting to the files but the software will not upload to my website.

any suggestions. Mike

EricClaeys commented 3 years ago

Mike, try adding "echo" before the lftp line in the .sh file that isn't uploading correctly. Then try executing that command manually. You will need to put quotes in the same places you see them in the .sh file. This way you will see any error messages.

maserowik commented 3 years ago

Mike, try adding "echo" before the lftp line in the .sh file that isn't uploading correctly. Then try executing that command manually. You will need to put quotes in the same places you see them in the .sh file. This way you will see any error messages.

I not sure if it just lack of knowledge or I screwed up something good. I placed the echo on the command line you stated and it echo the command but does nothing. i check my hosting site and there is nothing placed there. the log file is stating it is upload the file but it is not on my website

Aug 14 20:10:29 Pi-AllSky[1355]: lftp ftp://**:***** -e set net:max-retries 2; set net:timeout 20; put image.jpg -o si-3941; rm -f image.jpg; mv si-3941 image.jpg; bye

not sure if i did the command correctly or not.

EricClaeys commented 3 years ago

Mike, you did it correctly. "echo" simply outputs everything on the line; it does not execute anything. I wanted to see what that file was trying to execute. Remove the "echo", then at a shell prompt, type the following from the /home/pi/allsky directory:

lftp "ftp://*" -e "set net:max-retries 2; set net:timeout 20; put image.jpg -o si-3941; rm -f image.jpg; mv si-3941 image.jpg; bye"

Make sure you include the double quotes. What's in the shell script is: lftp "$PROTOCOL://$USER:$PASSWORD@$HOST:$IMGDIR" -e "set net:max-retries 2; set net:timeout 20; put "$IMAGE_TO_USE" -o $TEMP_NAME; rm -f "$IMAGE_TO_USE"; mv $TEMP_NAME "$IMAGE_TO_USE"; bye" &

The "echo" allows us to see what all the variables are (that start with $). I notice some likely issues:

Make sure your settings in the scripts/ file are correct. Here are the defaults:


Once you can successfully login manually and have fixed your settings, allsky should be able to as well.

maserowik commented 3 years ago

i have the setting set correctly in the I just scrubbed the username and password from the lftp line

here is the output i get from the lftp command

pi@Pi-AllSky:~/allsky/scripts $ lftp ftp://*****:**** -e set net:max-retries 2; set net:timeout 20; put image.jpg -o si-3941; rm -f image.jpg; mv si-3941 image.jpg; bye cd ok, cwd=/domains/ set cmd:prompt "lftp \S\? \u\@\h:\w> " set cmd:term-status/rxvt "\e[11;0]\e]2;\T\007\e[11]" set cmd:term-status/screen \e\T\e\ set cmd:term-status/xterm "\e[11;0]\e]2;\T\007\e[11]" set color:dir-colors "rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:.tar=01;31:.tgz=01;31:.arc=01;31:.arj=01;31:.taz=01;31:.lha=01;31:.lz4=01;31:.lzh=01;31:.lzma=01;31:.tlz=01;31:.txz=01;31:.tzo=01;31:.t7z=01;;31:.z=01;;31:.gz=01;31:.lrz=01;31:.lz=01;31:.lzo=01;31:.xz=01;31:.zst=01;31:.tzst=01;31:.bz2=01;;31:.tbz=01;31:.tbz2=01;;31:.deb=01;31:.rpm=01;31:.jar=01;31:.war=01;31:.ear=01;31:.sar=01;31:.rar=01;31:.alz=01;31:.ace=01;31:.zoo=01;31:.cpio=01;31:.7z=01;31:.rz=01;;31:.wim=01;31:.swm=01;31:.dwm=01;31:.esd=01;31:.jpg=01;35:.jpeg=01;35:.mjpg=01;35:.mjpeg=01;35:.gif=01;35:.bmp=01;35:.pbm=01;35:.pgm=01;35:.ppm=01;35:.tga=01;35:.xbm=01;35:.xpm=01;35:.tif=01;35:.tiff=01;35:.png=01;35:.svg=01;35:.svgz=01;35:.mng=01;35:.pcx=01;;35:.mpg=01;35:.mpeg=01;35:.m2v=01;35:.mkv=01;35:.webm=01;35:.ogm=01;35:.mp4=01;35:.m4v=01;35:.mp4v=01;35:.vob=01;35:.qt=01;35:.nuv=01;35:.wmv=01;35:.asf=01;35:.rm=01;35:.rmvb=01;35:.flc=01;35:.avi=01;35:.fli=01;35:.flv=01;;35:.dl=01;35:.xcf=01;35:.xwd=01;35:.yuv=01;35:.cgm=01;35:.emf=01;35:.ogv=01;35:.ogx=01;35:.aac=00;;36:.flac=00;36:.m4a=00;36:.mid=00;36:.midi=00;36:.mka=00;36:.mp3=00;36:.mpc=00;36:.ogg=00;36:.ra=00;36:.wav=00;36:.oga=00;36:.opus=00;36:.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:" set dns:order "inet6 inet" set file:charset UTF-8 set ftp:auto-sync-mode "icrosoft FTP Service|MadGoat|MikroTik" set ftp:sync-mode/ on set ftp:sync-mode/ on set ftp:sync-mode/ on set ssl:ca-file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt set ssl:verify-certificate no set xfer:max-redirections 10 lftp>

maserowik commented 3 years ago

i hit the enter key too quick. i have to type bye and then get the following

lftp> bye -bash: put: command not found mv: cannot stat 'si-3941': No such file or directory

jcauthen78 commented 3 years ago

For the record - I haven't updated either of my external web-hosts with the new updates from Eric 9 days ago ( But I did update my Allsky to v0.8.

I had to change up the LFTP command a bit to the following: lftp "$PROTOCOL://$USER:$PASSWORD@$HOST:$IMGDIR" -e "set net:max-retries 2; set net:timeout 20; put "$IMAGE_TO_USE" -o $TEMP_NAME; rm -f "$IMAGE_TO_USE"; mv $TEMP_NAME "image-resize.jpg"; rm -f $TEMP_NAME; bye" &

It made it so the original "image-resize.jpg" would still be used.

Just a thought that may help, if you're in the same boat.

EricClaeys commented 3 years ago

Mike, The "-bash" error implies the "put" part of the lftp was being executed by the shell, not by lftp. Check your double quotes. They should be like this: lftp "ftp://*" -e "set net:max-retries 2; set net:timeout 20; put image.jpg -o si-3941; rm -f image.jpg; mv si-3941 image.jpg; bye"

lftp is taking 3 arguments - one with the protocol, user name, etc. One with "-e" and the last with "set ... bye".

maserowik commented 3 years ago

ok i just reimaged my sd card and did a new pull for the software. I reset my and now i see the image on my website. hopefully it will work with the video/keograms/startrails tonight.


EricClaeys commented 3 years ago

Mike, are you running version 0.8? If so, do you have a ZWO camera? What are your "USB Bandwidth" and "Auto USB" settings?

maserowik commented 3 years ago

I have a zwo 224 cameras I have the Auto USB Bandwidth set to no My USB Bandwidth is set to 40 not sure how to find what version I have.

my setup is a raspberry pi 3b+ pi@Pi-AllSky:~ $ cat /etc/debian_version 10.10 pi@Pi-AllSky:~ $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="10" VERSION="10 (buster)" VERSION_CODENAME=buster ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" pi@Pi-AllSky:~ $ uname -a Linux Pi-AllSky 5.10.52-v7+ #1441 SMP Tue Aug 3 18:10:09 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

EricClaeys commented 3 years ago

Mike, The /var/log/allsky.log file will tell you if you're running AllSky 0.7 or 0.8. I assume you aren't having problems capturing images?

maserowik commented 3 years ago

I will look when I get home.

So far it is capturing an image during daylight. It is 6 pm where I am and will check to see what it looks like when it is dark

maserowik commented 3 years ago

Eric, here is what the allsky.log file says.

Aug 15 13:39:44 Pi-AllSky[31149]: #033[32m Allsky Camera Software v0.8 | 2021