AllureOfTheStars / Allure

Allure of the Stars is a near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad combat game written in Haskell; please offer feedback, e.g., after trying out the web frontend version at
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
211 stars 16 forks source link

Add a weapon that causes hunger #111

Open Mikolaj opened 3 years ago

Mikolaj commented 3 years ago

Would be very effective against regenerating foes (then we can add and/or improve foes that are very weak, but regenerate and possibly avoid melee to be safe from big hits that they can't regenerate against). Can be a throwing weapon, because swapping it in and out as a melee weapon worth it only for regenerating foes could be too tiring.

Edit: let's make sure there is proper feedback on hits so that it's obvious the hunger effect works.

Mikolaj commented 3 years ago

I'd also need enemies that regenerate and have enough HP that directly killing them is not more cost-effective. Creepy shooters avoid melee fine, but have few HP and hit hard, so they are best just killed outright. The enemies in question would need more HP and weaker attacks so that they are not OP. So probably their attacks should be melee with weak organs and no chance of using weapons. Or ranged somehow restricted to only weak projectiles. So, harmless, regenerating tanks that distract and nibble at the party, unless they can be made hungry. If they are made slow, it justifies using projectiles at them, so projectiles that cause hunger fit.

An explosive projectile may make sense, because it's not easy to regenerate from hunger (no much food lying around, unless the player is sloppy), so the effect is permanent and so helps even if the party can't afford to engage all affected foes quickly.

We'd also need a name for the projectiles that cause hunder. A name that also explains how they work.

Therefore, let's postpone.