Allwynmanoj443 / Code

Optimization tool
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Optimization code #1

Open Allwynmanoj443 opened 3 months ago

Allwynmanoj443 commented 3 months ago

Certainly! Below is an example code implementing a curve smoothing optimization algorithm to control a variable in a process power plant. This code includes a simple moving average smoothing technique, and it updates the SCADA system with the smoothed data:

import OpenOPC
import numpy as np
import time

# Function to perform curve smoothing using a moving average
def moving_average(data, window_size):
    smoothed_data = np.convolve(data, np.ones(window_size)/window_size, mode='valid')
    return smoothed_data

# Function to update SCADA system with smoothed data
def update_scada(opc_server, smoothed_data):
    opc = OpenOPC.client()
    opc.write('SmoothedVariable.Tag', smoothed_data)

# Main function
def main():
    opc_server = 'SCADA.OPC.Server'  # Example OPC server address
    window_size = 5  # Size of the moving average window

    while True:
        # Retrieve process variable data from SCADA system (replace with actual data retrieval)
        process_variable_data = []  # Placeholder for process variable data

        # Perform curve smoothing using moving average
        smoothed_data = moving_average(process_variable_data, window_size)

        # Update SCADA with smoothed data
        update_scada(opc_server, smoothed_data)

        # Wait for some time before the next optimization cycle
        time.sleep(60)  # Adjust as needed

# Run the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":

In this code:

Please replace the placeholder OPC server address, process variable data retrieval, and any other placeholders with the actual implementation specific to your process power plant environment. Additionally, adjust parameters such as the window size of the moving average according to your requirements.

Allwynmanoj443 commented 3 months ago

Optimization tool for smoothing the control variable curve in a process power plant