Almad / django-sane-testing

Django integration with nose, Selenium and more
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Test selection does not work #38

Open tuukkamustonen opened 13 years ago

tuukkamustonen commented 13 years ago

I started up a test project, created one single app there with a testcase extending from UnitTestCase.

I can successfully run tests through nosetests. However, picking specific testcase type's usting sanetestselectionplugin does not seem to work. Running:

PYTHONPATH=.:.. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings nosetests --with-django --with-sanetestselectionplugin -u

finds 0 tests despite the existing UnitTestCase in the project.

If I change my testcase to extend DatabaseTestCase and try to run only database tests, nose still finds 0 tests.

However, if I extend my testcase from either django.test.testcases.TestCase or simply, nose finds the tests despite what selectors I try to pass to with through --with-sanetestselectionplugin

Almad commented 13 years ago

Strange, I'll dig into that.

Would You mind uploading some example code so I can verify on it?

tuukkamustonen commented 13 years ago

Try this:

mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages sanetest pip install django djangosanetesting nose yolk yolk -l # to see the installed versions startproject sanetest cd sanetest/ nano # set database ENGINE to django.backends.db.sqlite3 startapp runnertest PYTHONPATH=. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings nosetests --with-django # runs the test automatically inserted by django-admin nano runnertest/ # set the SimpleTest class extend from djangosanetesting.cases.UnitTestCase instead PYTHONPATH=. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings nosetests --with-django --with-sanetestselectionplugin -u # finds 0 tests?

Almad commented 13 years ago


I will verify, but if I recall correctly, this is because default test is in tests module, which is not in test* directory and thus skippped by nose discovery mechanism.

I should probably explain this in docs in more detail and probably bundle something like --djangodiscovery plugin, which would look for applications in installed_apps and their test module.

tuukkamustonen commented 13 years ago

Nose does find the tests inside However, when overriding testcase selection by --with-sanetestselectionplugin, the test discovery gets broken. To me, it seems that the plugin breaks discovery, not nose. Please feel free to educate me if I'm all wrong :)

Almad commented 13 years ago

Yeah, this looks like a bug :]

Just I forgot to ask -- can You please try it with development version? This might be fixed with #30...if yes, I'll release a fix for 0.5 branch sometimes next week.

Almad commented 13 years ago

Now back on my computer and normal internet so I can introspect :)

Well, the problem is that with nose discovery, nose searches for objects matching NOSE_TESTMATCH or tests inheriting from unittest.TestCase.

Thus, if you will run

PYTHONPATH=. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings ../bin/nosetests --with-django runnertest/ -m '^Simple*|^run*'

it will work as advertised.

As said, to "fix" this bug, I'll probably introduce a plugin that will look for SaneTestCase subclasses as an alternative way to specify testcase.

tuukkamustonen commented 13 years ago

Thanks for looking into it. However:

As said, to "fix" this bug, I'll probably introduce a plugin that will look for SaneTestCase subclasses as an alternative way to specify testcase

Isn't --with-sanetestselectionplugin supposed to do exactly that? If not, what does it do then?

Almad commented 13 years ago

Nope -- it is supposed to let you specify only one type of test (i.e. unittests) and ignore other types (http test et al).

Thanks for the feedback -- alternative discovery should probably be part of this plugin and I'll documentation should be more verbatim about that.

tuukkamustonen commented 13 years ago

Sorry to constantly get back on this but I did try to select only unittests by providing -u option. Check the original report. Am I really missing something now?

Almad commented 13 years ago

Nothing to be sorry about, this is what I get for blurry documentation ;)

"unittest" is in this case not stdlib's unittest, but UnitTestCase from DST, i.e. plugin is looking for discovered classes and looking for "test_type" attribute being equal to "unit".

However, it is not overwriting standard discovery, so if testcase is not matching NOSE_TESTMATCH, it is not discovered and fed to plugin...which is confusing and should be fixed, as said :)

(also, documentation should be more clear about "unittest(2).TestCase" and "UnitTestCase" distinction.

tuukkamustonen commented 13 years ago

Aah so nose doesn't find the test anymore because I changed it to inherit from something else than unittest.TestaCase (and also because the file is not in discovery path but it never was). Gotcha.

Closing this ticket (though I wonder why SaneTestCases do not extend from unittest.TestCase, that's actually something that caught my eye in the first place)... anyway, thanks for clarfying things up!

Almad commented 13 years ago

If you don't mind, I'd leave it open until doc/discovery fix ;)

Some nose features are disabled with unittest.TestCase, that's why...

ncoghlan commented 13 years ago

I'm pretty sure I just got caught by this issue. I'm in the process of setting up the test infrastructure for a new project, so I only have a single test that checks the index page displays without error. Switched over to sane-testing via TEST_RUNNER option in and the test ran fine, but as soon as I switched the test itself to inherit from djangosanetesting.cases.HttpTestCase instead of django.test.TestCase, the test execution claimed I no longer had any tests defined.

Is there a workaround for this that allows "./ test" to discover the tests correctly?

Almad commented 13 years ago

Moving this up on my TODO list.

@ncoghlan: I am afraid only by editing command :/

I am using something along the lines of everywhere, but I'll fix it for You ;)

ncoghlan commented 13 years ago


I was mainly happy to discover that there was a reason for the strange behaviour I was seeing - now that I know about it, I can make my test suite work with it (most likely by adding a shell script or Makefile command that invokes nosetests directly, along the lines of the workaround you posted above)

ncoghlan commented 13 years ago

After reading up a bit more on how nose does its pattern matching, I found a really simple fix: I renamed my test case from "IndexTestCase" to "Index_TestCase". The underscore lets the default regex find the "Test" in the name, while the camelcase naming confuses it.

So long as I continue to follow that convention, the automatic test discovery will work correctly.

Almad commented 13 years ago

Thanks for this hack, I'll put it into docs.