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RailCraft Issues #9

Closed MoraglarKhilen closed 5 years ago

MoraglarKhilen commented 6 years ago

Blast furnace (BF) does not burn. Correctly prevents anything but coke or charcoal (Not Blocks, dont know if bug or not) from being placed in BF but does not show flame in interface or outside block animations and does not process ingots into steel.

Iron Tanks when placed in a bunch of different (allowable) configurations do not form the multi-block tank. Steel Tanks do work so its not my inability to follow tank directions :) However Steel Tanks when used with BC fluid pipes to pump creosote from coke oven doesn't remove the creosote from the pipe but does keep adding it to the Tank generating a lot of it when using gold/diamond pipes. same with wooden/cobblestone pipe. watching a very little of fluid ebb back and forth in the pipe causes it generate fluid in tank when press against the valve and stops when sloshes away. (I played with this for awhile to trying to ascertain what was happening.)

liach commented 6 years ago

are you pumping to the valve?

MoraglarKhilen commented 6 years ago

yes tried with a wooden then cobble fluid pipe and a wooden/diamond then gold redstone engine powering the extraction pipes in either case

liach commented 6 years ago

@MoraglarKhilen Try pump in fluid only at top and on sides and only drain from the bottom and sides.

MoraglarKhilen commented 6 years ago

NO change fluid still doesnt actually leave pipe into tank but tank fills with creosote havent tried other fluids yet

liach commented 6 years ago

So fluid dupes in tank?

MoraglarKhilen commented 6 years ago

yes liquid still registers in tank multiplying the liquid rapidly and having pumped it out confirms it,

liach commented 6 years ago

@MoraglarKhilen Does this happen with buildcraft tanks?

MoraglarKhilen commented 6 years ago

No it doesnt. I used BC tanks to move water and lava back and forth between Steel Tanks trying different liquids

liach commented 6 years ago

What I see is that bc pipe is still supplying creosote after the source of creosote, a bc glass tank, is drained completely. The source was drained before. @alexiil can you help?

AlexIIL commented 6 years ago

What blocks are interacting here? I can't quite tell what exactly is going on from your descriptions, could some-one post a screenshot?

liach commented 6 years ago

Hmm, don't have one right now. Steps of replication:

  1. Place a rc iron tank multiblock and a bc glass tank connected with a wooden fluid pipe.
  2. tweak the pipe to drain from bc tank. add a redstone engine to the pipe.
  3. Put a lot of creosote (like 16 buckets or so) into the bc tank. Observe the pipe draining from bc tank to rc tank as usual.
  4. When the bc tank is empty, the pipe keeps draining and the rc tank keeps filling.
AlexIIL commented 6 years ago

That sounds a lot like the internal delay that BC fluid pipes have. (They act a bit like lots of little tanks, and they move fluid from one tank to the next until everything has drained).

Unless of course the rc tank gets more than 16 buckets of creosote. In that case I'd assume that one of the handlers wasn't written quite right, and duplicated fluid.

liach commented 6 years ago

rc tank does get over 16 buckets of creosote.

AlexIIL commented 6 years ago

Ah, ok.

liach commented 6 years ago

by the way, the motion of the engine stops but the fluid level in the pipe remains and the fluid's texture is flowing

AlexIIL commented 6 years ago

Yes, that's normal bc fluid pipe behaviour - the engine stops as the supplier tank is empty, but the pipe still contains fluids to be moved

AlexIIL commented 6 years ago

What versions of these mods are being used?

liach commented 6 years ago

It happens within the dev env of railcraft (that is the head of liach-1.12.2) and bc version is here:

AlexIIL commented 6 years ago

It looks like the issue is always returning 0, rather than the amount of fluid that was put into the tank, which makes buildcraft think that no fluid was accepted by the valve. I assume the steel valve is broken in the same way.

liach commented 6 years ago

Will check if it's fixed.

MoraglarKhilen commented 6 years ago

I tested with steel tank moving cresote lava and water. no duplication. iron tank pieces form the multiblock tank and the blast furnace is accepting fuel and creating steel.

liach commented 5 years ago

doc, you can close this now. fixed on rc's end long ago