AlmuraDev / SGCraft

Stargates mod for Minecraft
MIT License
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Mixins crash #147

Closed AechtRob closed 4 years ago

AechtRob commented 4 years ago

The mod crashes at startup in conflict with the latest Vanilla Fix, which has some Mixins updates in it. (MC 1.12.2)

Dockter commented 4 years ago

Can't help without a log.

AechtRob commented 4 years ago

Apologies.... here is a sample log. latest.log

Dockter commented 4 years ago

Last person who reported this was using an out of date version of VanillaFix.

AechtRob commented 4 years ago

This is the latest VanillaFix-1.0.10-150.jar

Dockter commented 4 years ago

The next build I am completely removing Mixin and the fact that its a CoreMod. Wait until 2.0.4. I'll put a build up of it shortly for you to try.

Dockter commented 4 years ago

Try this.

AechtRob commented 4 years ago

Well... it doesn't crash with VanillaFix any more, which is good. But I've not tested beyond that - is there a changelog to check or things to watch out for which may be impacted?

Dockter commented 4 years ago

I will be available shortly.