AlmuraDev / SGCraft

Stargates mod for Minecraft
MIT License
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[bug almost fixed in v2.0.4] zpm console lag #156

Open C4PTRAMPAGE opened 4 years ago

C4PTRAMPAGE commented 4 years ago

after some testing the bug IS completely gone... if the console is placed facing east or west. however if placed on top of a solid block so it faces north or south the freezes still happen.

Dockter commented 4 years ago

That literally doesn't make sense. This being said, can you attach some picture to this ticket with the F3 diag screen up as well. This should help give me some context to this very strange issue.

C4PTRAMPAGE commented 4 years ago

yeah well its whats happening, and i can do 60 fps better than a picture

Bysokar commented 4 years ago

+1 this for players on :(

Bysokar commented 4 years ago

@dockter The model is faulty. I just re-imported it into Crayfish's updated editor and 'optomised it' and it found errors with some of the values.

Reimport and recompile and it works beautifully.

Dockter commented 4 years ago

Can you give me the model it created?

Bysokar commented 4 years ago

@Dockter Here you go. Note the reduction in filesize to start... but it also threw a bunch of errors about model verticies not being a multiple of 16.

Works a charm for me now.

Dockter commented 4 years ago

I am testing this internally.

Dockter commented 4 years ago

@draksterau my @wifee wants to know what version of model editors you're using. She said she used crayfish editor to do the original model so she's confused as to why it would have suddenly generated errors.

Bysokar commented 4 years ago

mc-0.7.0 :)

I imported json, then exported. Boom problem solved.

When I imported it said there were verticies that didn't have a multiple of 16. When I exported I selected optimize model. Sorry I don't really know what im doing regarding this... but I do know it worked, hence mentioning.

@Dockter Also, I've implemented Universe gates in the build of SGCraft for 1.12. You'd be welcome to the textures and sounds if you want to implement it. Code too...

Dockter commented 4 years ago

Can you point me to the repo?

Dockter commented 4 years ago

FYI, my wife reported that the .zip file you linked is missing the particle affect in the model.

Bysokar commented 4 years ago

@Dockter Particle effect? Maybe that was what was lagging it?

Bysokar commented 4 years ago

@Dockter Also, apologies in advance if the code is a mess and for my commit comments. Im self taught java & I've been doing things solo and didn't really need to bother with them :)

Dockter commented 4 years ago

Is that repo hidden? I can't see it via the above link.

Bysokar commented 4 years ago

@Dockter your invited as a collaborator (before you sent that message)… try visiting Yes its hidden. Our modifications are mostly for it to integrate with our coremod/advanced rocketry. Please don't share it :)

Dockter commented 3 years ago

I did not get an invite, I still cannot see that repo.

Bysokar commented 3 years ago

image Deleted and re-added the invite..... Maybe the link is case sensitive?

C4PTRAMPAGE commented 3 years ago

can confirm that the 2.0.5 update seems to completely fix the lag problem, haven't done as much testing as i could though