AlmuraDev / SGCraft

Stargates mod for Minecraft
MIT License
31 stars 31 forks source link

[sugestion] ZPM option #168

Open Nbgreen opened 4 years ago

Nbgreen commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have a few players on my server asking how to recharge ZPMs and as far as I know they can’t. So I was wondering if possible to make a config option to allow the recharging of ZPMs. That why people who want to be as cannon as possible to the show don’t have to have recharging of them enabled

Bysokar commented 3 years ago

Please no. Use the PowerTE for a rechargeable Stargate power source... maybe allow it to accept IC2 Energy items in he inventory?

Nbgreen commented 3 years ago

I don’t see it as an issue. It’s a config option that could be defaultly set to false like the oneway travel option. The mod already isn’t 100% cannon so I don’t see the harm in a config option for rechargeable ZPMs. they where charged somehow when being made the show just never showed how ZPMs where made or how they where charged I have players that would like to reuse the ZPMs they find because there is only so many in a map. I would rather not sell them in server shops because of how much power they hold in them. I like the idea of them being finite.

Dosingr commented 3 years ago

I see a big issue for my part. In fact, the show couldn't show you rechargeable ZPMs because it is impossible. A ZPM is depleted when it reaches maximum entropy but in an isolated system, you can't diminish the entropy. Therefore even the Ancients couldn't recharge their ZPMs, they needed to built new ones.

I assure you that a ZPM can handle many things even machines that require a lot. So, if you find 2 or 3, it should last quite long.

You should ask for naquadah generator that are fueled by naquadah (obviously ^^) that make them in a sens, 'rechargeable'. Plus it is canon and thermodynamic friendly

Nbgreen commented 3 years ago

ZPMs don’t last long for players on my server they go through a lot of power with the way the Modpack is set up. either way you wouldn’t have to have the option turned on it would be a config option for people who don’t like it as yourself. you don’t have to come and try to stop my suggestion from being added just because you don’t like it. I could care less about the naquadah generator. if he doesn’t made it a config option I’ll just pay a guy to make it an addon for the mod. I would rather have the mod dev make it a thing instead a 3rd party but if I have to go third party I will

Bysokar commented 3 years ago

Just make a crafting recipe @Nbgreen and make them less rare on your server instead? Its pretty ridiculous what you're asking.

Nbgreen commented 3 years ago

No I’m not after a crafting recipe. And what I’m asking for is simple

Bysokar commented 3 years ago

@Nbgreen It seems that way, but the way SGCraft is coded it is not. The ZPM is not an IC2 Energy item with recharging disabled.

thestormblazer commented 3 years ago

So change it or better yet add a block that can be Ifk crafted or brought from a villager that deleted the old zpm that you put in with a fully charged new one when giving enough energy

Bysokar commented 3 years ago

You can do that with craft tweaker.

It goes against the fundamental principals of how stargate canon works.. and isn't a quick thing like the 2 way travel option with a massive game play bonus. highly doubt almura will do it and I certainly wouldn't.

Dosingr commented 3 years ago

I will try to explain the situation as clearly as possible. The goal is to show you why it can't be.

First, i don't know if you are familiar with programmation but it is quite difficult to deal with code that isn't your own and the basis from the mod isn't from Almura-Dockter. He did a great job porting the mod to 1.12.2 but he admits himself that some parts of the original code are quite obscur.

Secondly, the 1.12.2 version of the mods require dependencies. Those dependencies are API developped by others modders to make easier the compatibility between two mods or implement faster some functions without rewriting them from scratchs. So, it could be quite difficult to alter a part of the code without messing up.

Thirdly, as Bysokar said, it isn't so simple to make a "rechargeable" zpm. It would require some efforts that would be better spent elsewhere.

Fourthly, when a modder create a mod, it isn't really for the community. At first, it is for himself because he wants to have those features in the game. It is later than the community support give him motivation to continue and then we could say that the modder is also working for the community. But, if the modder fundamentelly disagree with a feature... i guess that you see my point here, he will not implement it. And if you already have taken a look to the discord server, you know that when someone suggest the "rechargeable" zpm feature, it is demoralizing him.

Fifthly, you could replie that if the community really wants this feature you could boycott the mod / emphasize on it strongly till he adds the feature but it would be really toxic as behaviour and i would remind you that he does this mod on his free time. Also, a quite big part of the community doesn't want that feature.

Sixthly, you should do yourself a modification with craft tweaker or something similar if you really want it implemented. It will be far more easier and quicker for everyone.

I will end this post by specify that we are not trying to stop your suggestion to be added but to show you that you are wasting your time because the feature will not be implemented because of all the points I brought up above. There are plenty of other way to have rechargeable energy source than this one, please at least consider them. In fact a mod with rechargeable zpm exists already, i found it when i was searching for stargate mods but because the modder use a lot of materials from others mods without asking the authors and without crediting them, i will not put a link to it.

On that note, have a great day.

thestormblazer commented 3 years ago

Alright then could have just said that’s not possible have a great day too

Nyabloody commented 3 years ago

Talking about ZPM options, maybe adding a config to change the max energy a ZPM can hold ? Actually Atlantis was big and running off only 3 ZPM. Those in SGCraft are weaker than those in the show in comparison. Try making a ship big as Atlantis and try to power it up with 3 ZPM only from this mod... They will be depleted faster than you can imagine. Ofc it will need some trickery with a double or float values to achieve that I think.

Bysokar commented 3 years ago

@Korvynus If you set zpmEnergyPerSGEnergyUnit in SGCraft.cfg to 0.1 it should make them 100x more efficient. I wouldnt suggest making it any lower though.