Closed burkey0307 closed 10 years ago
Hi, I'm having the same problem. I re-compiled through ./, amended the theme.xml files to implement my own customizations (font, artwork placement) but noticed two things:
These aren't huge issues and I'm working around them, just wanted to add my experience since re-compiling.
Hopefully pushed a quick fix for that first bug (the off-screen thing). It seems correct on my installation, so hopefully it doesn't make things worse. Try git pull
ing and recompiling and see if it's fixed.
As for the second thing, do you perhaps mean that the description text appears to have scrolled all the way down immediately? It might be that my formula for calculating the automatic text scroll speed is screwing up...could you post the description if possible?
Interesting, I didn't know that a text scroll had been added. Being the perfectionist I am, I had edited all of the descriptions in my gamelist.xml file so that they all fit below the image artwork w/o any overrun.
The scrolling text MUST be the answer. This would explain why it looks right while the start menu is open after reloading, then immediately pops to the bottom when I exit that menu.
Unfortunately, I'm moving into a new apartment this weekend and will be super busy, haha. I will share some photos and the gamelist.xml file as soon as I can. Thanks for the help!
I used git pull and updated emulationstation and the problem persists. The text at the bottom of the screen is still cut off. Only the top half of the rom name appears, bottom half is hidden.
I have the issue that ES is overscanning on composite. While the Pi boots the console fits perfectly into the screen however when ES starts it hangs off of all 4 sides of the screen. And when a game starts it seems to pull off that resolution so I am missing the edges of games screen (scores etc are off the edge and not visable)
Thats not a problem related to ES, you have to edit your Raspbian's /boot/config.txt
Possible arguments:
Possible values are positive or negative ones. You have to play around to find the values suitable for your TV.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned before, but I tried to do a bit of searching and didn't find much that was helpful.
I updated emulationstation and when it was complete the bottom part of the screen was cut off. I'm not sure how to adjust the overscan settings for emulationstation. It doesn't appear to be happening with any of the emulators.