Aloshi / EmulationStation

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Duplicate entries in lists if multi disk games #408

Open SwedishGojira opened 9 years ago

SwedishGojira commented 9 years ago

If have games that are on several disks named game-CD1.iso game-CD2.iso game-CD3.iso I get duplicate entries in my list (game, game, game). I would like a filtering function so you can filter out the duplicates.

SillyPilleus commented 9 years ago

You could put them in a folder? I've done this with Gran Turismo 2 and Resident Evil 2. I set the artwork for the folder the same as the game discs and then renamed the games in gamelist.xml to be (in GT's case) Gran Turismo 2 (Disc 1 - Arcade).bin and Gran Turismo 2 (Disc 2 - Simulation).bin.

You can then just manually set the artwork. I think it looks pretty neat.

SwedishGojira commented 9 years ago

Sure, I can do that too. But that creates alot of work when you have alot of complete romsets, like SEGA CD and PSX. An option to hide them or group them would be more useful I think.

nilsbyte commented 9 years ago

Like @ChrisShire said, you can put them in a folder to group them. Maybe here a type of detector which reacts to "Disc X" or "CD1" in the filename is possible to let the scraper automatically add the CD number to the scraped entry. @Aloshi has to evaluate that :)

sithlord48 commented 8 years ago

This is what i do for psx multidisc and games that have audo tracks and require several files (these show more then once)

Example Final Fantasy VII.m3u File

.FF7/FF7-1.iso .FF7/FF7-2.iso .FF7/FF7-3.iso (always a new line at then end)

The file parser will ingore the hidden folder and only the m3u file will show up this can be scraped and the save will be made with the name of the m3u file so it will work across discs.

If you are using with retro arch you must also Set the hotkeys for disc toggle , and next / previous disc . To change the discs when needed.

This is not working for other Systems whose emulators do not support m3u. While they will look nice in emulationstation they will not load in their emulator. (SegaCD / Dreamcast , etc..)