Closed yavko closed 2 years ago
See #24
TLDR: add zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '[%d]'
to your zshrc
@Aloxaf Didn't fix...
plus i already had that in my zshrc
@yavko Put it to the end of zshrc, so that it won't be overridden by other plugins.
@Aloxaf forgot to say its a very bottom and it still doesnt work!
That's strange. Does it work in an interactive session?
Can you provide the output of
zstyle -s ':completion:*:descriptions' format reply; echo $reply
cat $functions_source[_bat]
the first thing returns
But the second thing never finishes it just stays blank and never does anything I have to kill it by my self.
the first thing returns [%d] But the second thing never finishes it just stays blank and never does anything I have to kill it by my self.
same output for me ☹️
@yavko @brerx Does this bug only happen with cat
or with every commands?
It happens with cat, and other commands as well Btw I made this bug report on my old pc it still happens on this fresh Manjaro linux install.
@yavko Can you trigger the completion with C-x .
, and then provide the log here?
@yavko Enter cat
, and then press Ctrl-x .
using bat btw
, and then press Ctrl-x .
It does not come back for me. Pressing Ctrl-c twice tells me that something has been written to a log file.
Content of that:
+fzf-tab-debug:9> : zsh 5.8
+fzf-tab-debug:10> zle .fzf-tab-orig-expand-or-complete-with-indicator
[;1;38;5;110m>[m[;m [m[;1m[m[;1m[m[1B
[2C[;38;5;144m0/0 (0)[m[1A
[;1;38;5;161;48;5;236m>[m[;48;5;236m [m[;1;38;5;254;48;5;236m[m[;1;37;48;5;236mBrewfile[m[1B
[;48;5;236m [m[;m [;m[m[;37mBrewfile.lock.json[m[1B
[2C[;38;5;144m12/12 (0)[m[1A
[J+fzf-tab-debug:11> unsetopt xtrace
For vim
, the last parts seem to be hidden:
Might the unsetopt xtrace
at the end mean something?
@yavko There should be a log file after completion. Please upload it.
@brerx It seems that fzf-tab is not the last plugin to wrap Tab (except zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting). Please provide your zshrc.
@yavko There should be a log file after completion. Please upload it.
@brerx It seems that fzf-tab is not the last plugin to wrap Tab (except zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting). Please provide your zshrc.
I don't see that, im pressing ctrl+x . no logs
I'm using prezto,
leaving out aliases and stuff, that's the most important parts of zshrc:
fpath=(~/.zsh/completion $fpath)
autoload -Uz compinit promptinit colors edit-command-line vcs-info
compinit -i
zle -N edit-command-line
[ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh
and in the zpreztorc i have
# Set the Prezto modules to load (browse modules).
# The order matters.
zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
'environment' \
'terminal' \
'editor' \
'history' \
'directory' \
'spectrum' \
'utility' \
'ssh' \
'completion' \
'homebrew' \
'osx' \
'ruby' \
'rails' \
'git' \
'syntax-highlighting' \
'history-substring-search' \
'contrib-prompt' \
'prompt' \
Now that you say so, I don't really know in what order these two are loaded, but maybe just the module order is important?
I use zimfw and have fzf-tab installed through aur and symlinked into the modules folder and have it loaded first in .zimrc so idk
Wait maybe i should switch the loading sequence
didnt work
I also have this problem, and I fixed it by removing this line: zstyle ':completion:*' format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
Both prezto and zimfw have this setting.
Thanks! edit: I cant find it in my zshrc
I commented it out nothing changes
You might need to remove some *.zwc files to make it work. Note that I have never used Zim and I'm just guessing. This type of issues are the main reason why I no longer use any configuration framework.
@Aloxaf Can my ad hoc solution help you fix the bug?
@nemotiger Oh thanks, that helps a lot.
@yavko How about add zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '[%d]'
to the end of zshrc and then clear cache? It should be able to overwrite the framework's configuration.
How do I clear cache?
@yavko just remove the *.zwc
Ok it still doesn't work i cleared all cache
@yavko add these lines to your zshrc
zstyle -d ':completion:*' format
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '[%d]'
@yavko add these lines to your zshrc
zstyle -d ':completion:*' format zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '[%d]'
Good, I will update the pinned issue.
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
I can make sure:
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
not having those things around the text
Minimal zshrc