I am looking to see how well the pretrained base model runs on my own dataset, but the current model is configured for an image size of 224
In the original MAE code, the 'interpolate_pos_embed' function would allow the user to increase the positional embedding to allow for larger image patches
In your linear probing code, that same script is commented out, and (obviously) doesn't function the same way, as there are multiple positional embeddings to take care of
Do you have a function that can allow the pretrained model to run on different image sizes?
To allow image resolution different from 224, you need to modify interpolate_pos_embed function. We will release a new codebase which allow finetuning of different resolution.
Hi, I am looking to see how well the pretrained base model runs on my own dataset, but the current model is configured for an image size of 224 In the original MAE code, the 'interpolate_pos_embed' function would allow the user to increase the positional embedding to allow for larger image patches In your linear probing code, that same script is commented out, and (obviously) doesn't function the same way, as there are multiple positional embeddings to take care of Do you have a function that can allow the pretrained model to run on different image sizes? Thanks