Alpha-VLLM / Lumina-T2X

Lumina-T2X is a unified framework for Text to Any Modality Generation
MIT License
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Non-Stable Diffusion VAE for commercial usage? #76

Closed araleza closed 1 week ago

araleza commented 1 week ago

Hi! Your project looks great, well done on the work so far.

Although I do open source work in my spare time, I also do image generation at work too. Lumina's MIT License is useful for commercial development, but I notice that the VAE used by Lumina is always Stable Diffusion (either 1.5, or SDXL). I think this means that using Lumina in a released commercial product requires obtaining a commercial license from

Are there are plans to train or support an MIT-licensed VAE so that the whole stack can be used without licensing difficulties, even in commercial projects?

gaopengpjlab commented 1 week ago

Do you have any recommendation?

araleza commented 1 week ago

I heard someone (I think it was maybe comfy) saying that training a VAE is pretty easy. I think the code for the VAE itself is totally free to use, it's just the weights that need to be commercially licensed?

If that's true, then it should be possible to take a large number of latent outputs of your model just now, along with the images produced by using the Stable Diffusion VAE to produce the correct output images for these latents, and use these latent/image pairs to train a free-to-use VAE that's a license-free drop-in replacement for the VAE.

In other words the procedure would be:

Or, maybe someone's already made a license-free VAE someplace?

PommesPeter commented 1 week ago

We are using stabilityai/sdxl-vae which has MIT license. Should this be legal? image

araleza commented 1 week ago

I didn't know the SDXL VAE was MIT licensed. That's great to know, thanks @PommesPeter.