First, I'm totally noob about Python and any other c language.
I download python 3.10.7 and also the code from here.
When I install Python, it doesn't show the option which disable path length limit so I manually disable it by editing regisrty.
After I try to open python by clicking file, it automatically shut down pyrhon window so I use powershell to download requirements.
After that I type python --cookies="cookies.txt" -- links ~~~ on powershell and at the end, it showed up like this
I'm korean so last message is 'This connection is blocked by online host.
I have no idea about what to do and I saw simular issue and try by that way but still don't work.
First, I'm totally noob about Python and any other c language. I download python 3.10.7 and also the code from here. When I install Python, it doesn't show the option which disable path length limit so I manually disable it by editing regisrty. After I try to open python by clicking file, it automatically shut down pyrhon window so I use powershell to download requirements. After that I type python --cookies="cookies.txt" -- links
~~~ on powershell and at the end, it showed up like this I'm korean so last message is 'This connection is blocked by online host. I have no idea about what to do and I saw simular issue and try by that way but still don't work.