AlphaSlayer1964 / kemono-dl

A simple downloader using python.
508 stars 81 forks source link

hi downloading help #152

Open Field707 opened 1 year ago

Field707 commented 1 year ago

when i try to download a video i get this 1_https___www.patreon.com_media-u_Z0FBQUFBQmpSRXJNUWZFSWk0MjhxejhCUkVqY1ZfNmdJM0xsZzREY1ZhbUVZOVA5TmhDTnEzal9hczFzbzBSS2U4RTBRN1RtS1RXZVhJVHZKUlB0ZkVDWUlxUDdkb3VLRTh3S1J0U2dkbFlzNzlTbDNwQzVhWUl0U19tR1RmNEVra0tiNGZiZ3k3Y0VVZzJIRi0yTENBaFMxMWEtemtjemF

Ovear commented 1 year ago

Please provide full command you are using.

Field707 commented 1 year ago

python --cookies "kemono.party_cookies.txt" --links

Field707 commented 1 year ago

C:\Users\mh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\kemono-dl-main> python --cookies "kemono.party_cookies.txt" --links INFO:Downloading posts from | patreon | formoftherapy | 34664186 INFO:Downloading Post | Listening Party: SEULGI '28 Reasons' EP INFO:Downloading: 1_https___www.patreon.com_media-u_Z0FBQUFBQmpQVGtxTGJQeHZCakpTWUtrTGkxMzlvcWZVNERPWENVRGI2RVVrWU9Sbk1UWUVFelVmUklYTHM3dURGRXRFbURTQjB2SldxbXlBLW1tSjRPc2UwTEJiVTFETzhNd09KRzQxVkJRV282RW9xQTRKaE9QekpXdWFFcUJnYWVnOU9Cd2prMEV0VFM2UDhob250ZTAwMWk3VmV0TGV. [==================================================] 55.1/55.1 KB at 0.4 MB/s ETA 00:00:00 PS C:\Users\mh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\kemono-dl-main>

Ovear commented 1 year ago

This is normal behavior when enable "--links" option, since patreon doesn't provide original file name(just a video screenshot), so it would considers as URL itself.

Field707 commented 1 year ago

is there anyway i can get a video out of it

Ovear commented 1 year ago

You may try with "--yt-dlp" to see if works. I havn't tried this feature, so not sure if works.

Field707 commented 1 year ago

i put that at the end right