Closed GerardPolloRebozado closed 2 years ago
Oops, i miss one pkg then, for arch install the PKG gd
Then rerun the command
Yes now its working :)
Yes now its working :)
Im having a problem with the Fonts cause the pacman icons of the bottom bar are not showing correctly. I have both Jetbrains fotns and material icons installed.
Hm, that is strange, can you show me the output of the command: fc-list | grep Material
fc-list | grep Material
Sure here is it
[gerard@archlinux ~]$ fc-list | grep Material /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/MaterialIcons/MaterialIconsSharp-Regular.otf: Material Icons Sharp:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/MaterialIcons/MaterialIconsOutlined-Regular.otf: Material Icons Outlined:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/Material.ttf: Material:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/material-design-icons.ttf: Material Icons:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/MaterialIcons/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf: Material Icons:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/MaterialIcons/MaterialIconsRound-Regular.otf: Material Icons Round:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf: Material Icons:style=Regular /usr/local/share/fonts/material-design-icons.ttf: Material Icons:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont (1).woff: Material Design Icons:style=Regular /home/gerard/.local/share/fonts/MaterialIcons/MaterialIconsTwoTone-Regular.otf: Material Icons Two Tone:style=Regular [gerard@archlinux ~]$
well, in fact, it's really strange, i'll need to try to reproduce it then
can you open another issue attaching an image showing how the desktop looks please? like how looks the pacman-taglist, i'll try to reproduce
Im in ArchLinux with awesomewm after making sudo make clean install i get and error
sudo make clean install [sudo] contraseña para gerard: rm -f st config.h st.o x.o boxdraw.o hb.o st-0.8.4.tar.gz *.o *.orig *.rej cp config.def.h config.h gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include
pkg-config --cflags fontconfig`pkg-config --cflags freetype2
pkg-config --cflags harfbuzz
-DVERSION=\"0.8.4\" -DICON=\"/usr/local/share/pixmaps/st.png\" -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -O1 -c st.c En el fichero incluido desde st.c:21: st.h:6:10: error fatal: gd.h: No existe el fichero o el directorio 6 | #include~compilación terminada. make: *** [Makefile:22: st.o] Error 1`