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cycle or timestep prefixes for extracts #1285

Open mlohry opened 1 month ago

mlohry commented 1 month ago

With scene renders, I can provide an image prefix like image_prefix: "./filename_%06d" and at step 5 will be exported filename_000005.png.

How can I do similar for extracts to HDF5? e.g. if i give it path: "./filename_%06d" the resulting output file is literally called filename_%06d.root.

cyrush commented 1 month ago

Good suggestion, we will see if we can use the same strategy we used for images and add an option to support this for extracts.

mlohry commented 1 month ago

Thanks @cyrush , in the meantime is there a way i can intercept the name of the extract outputs and change it to append a time step?

cyrush commented 1 month ago
conduit::Node exec_info;;

Will report details about the extract after you call execute.

That said, the root file will have the directory name baked in so changing could unlink the info needed to load the file set.

You can set the exact name, or also strip out the cycle using extract options -- I'll admit we need better docs for this.

mlohry commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I think I'll just make a directory with the cycle and move the extracts there instead of tinkering with the extract internals.