Alpine-DAV / ascent

A flyweight in situ visualization and analysis runtime for multi-physics HPC simulations
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images not saved under default_dir #1289

Open yslan opened 1 month ago

yslan commented 1 month ago


I'm trying to put default images under a local folder imgs/ (the path exists). When I follow the documentation and set it in ascent_options.json, every works as expected.

  "default_dir" : "/path/to/output/dir"

However, when I tried to hard code it into the interface with the folllowing line (copied from test/t_ascent_runtime_options.cpp), the images are saved to pwd instead of $pwd/imgs

ascent_opts["default_dir"] = "imgs";

When doing this test, I make sure there is no ascent_options.json and ascent_options.yaml in my current folder.

I do see an error when the default_dir does not exist, meaning it's indeed checking the path. And, at the end, the ascent_session.yaml is indeed saved under imgs/. For some reason, only the images do not honor the default_dir. My image_prefix: "q_%06d" is not using an absolute path.

I'm using the commit 6d1ca3f8d27e9b640be93453c6453f76f545ae7d Can someone confirm whether there's a bug?

Thanks, Yu-Hsiang

nicolemarsaglia commented 1 month ago

Hi @yslan, thanks for pointing this out. I will investigate and get back to you!

nicolemarsaglia commented 1 month ago

Hi @yslan, so far I have not been able to duplicate what you are experiencing. I can, however, create this bug when I use image_name rather than image_prefix and have a fix in #1295.

Could you share the rest of your ascent actions?