[x] Notice that the issue has a title, description, label (type of task), assignee (who is resolving the issue) and issue number (on top with a #-prefix, unique)
[x] Drag-and-drop the Issue to the "In progress" column in Status board or change the Issue status to "In progress" in My tasks list
[x] Create a new branch from the dev branch (NOT main) in your IDE or here on GitHub. The branch name must have a unified form containing (more about branches):
label same as the issue label, tells what kind of task the branch is resolving
name 2-5 words name of choice, which should describe the task to be resolve. Name is used for identifying the branches between each other
issue number same as the issue number
Example: feature/ProfileService-read-method-45 (adds new read method to ProfileService class)
[x] Checkout to the created branch in your IDE
[x] Create a test.txt file in /src/clan folder
[x] Write "Hello world" to the test.txt file
[ ] Now the required code is written and the task is done. Create a new pull request to the dev branch. You can do it here on GitHub as follows:
Choose the dev branch as base: (on left hand side) and this branch as compare: (on the right hand side)
Click the "Create pull request" button and the pull request view will be open
Write a title of the pull request. It should describe in general what has been done in this branch
Write a description in case you have some questions related to the issue or you was not able to make some of the requested tasks
On the right hand side you can add additional information regarding the pull request.
Press the Reviewers and choose me MikhailDeriabin as a reviewer from the list
Press the Assignees and choose your account from the list and my (MikhailDeriabin)
Press the Label and choose the same label as your Issue has, as well as PR
If the Issue has a Milestone, press the Milestone and choose the same milestone as the Issue has
Finally press the "Create pull request" button to publish your request
[x] Wait for the pull review from me. In case everything is ok, I will approve your pull request and the branch will be removed automatically and you can remove the branch from your local machine. Notice however, that if there will be any changes required, I will write a comment below the pull request about them. You should be able to see the notification of incoming message in the Notifications tab (very top of the GitHub page on the right hand side next to your profile photo). If any changes are required, just checkout the branch in your IDE, make changes and push them to the branch and changes will be added automatically to the pull request.
Typical workflow (you can check the boxes if you wish to):