Alt-er / obsidian-sync-share

Sync and share (publish) your notes in your own private service.
MIT License
80 stars 1 forks source link

Share not working! #1

Closed uzza1hossain closed 11 months ago

uzza1hossain commented 11 months ago

First of all it’s create link like And when I visit the link it’s a 404 I tried with still same. Any idea what I did wrong or how can I fix this?

Alt-er commented 11 months ago

May I ask if you are using a service you built yourself? My service is not externally accessible at the moment

uzza1hossain commented 11 months ago

It’s my own server. I deployed using docker and sync working fine but share shows not found and url is miss configured

Alt-er commented 11 months ago

Did you succeed in logging in to the obsidian plugin?

If so, can you check to see if you can see your sharing history?

Alt-er commented 11 months ago


Did you succeed in logging in here?

uzza1hossain commented 11 months ago

My bad. It was not on the doc. It’s working now. Thanks for prompt reply.

Is there any way to sync .obsidian folder? And how remote git work?

Alt-er commented 11 months ago

Sorry , it's not possible to synchronize .obsidian folders at the moment , it may be added later .

The remote git function is just a remote backup, you can send a copy of the data to the remote git every time you synchronize data, to ensure that the server data loss can be retrieved data

uzza1hossain commented 11 months ago

Thank you