AltFreq / BungeeSuiteChat

Chat plugin for bungeesuite
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Request: Chatspy formatting #46

Open cheracc opened 10 years ago

cheracc commented 10 years ago

I would like to request a configurable format for when /chatspy is turned on, that can be defined in channels.yml. For instance:

Channels: Global: '&7&eGlobal&7 &r{suffix}{player}&r: &f&o{message}' Admin: '&3[&bAdmin&3] &r{player}: &3{message}' Chatspy: '&7[{shortname}&7] &r{player}&r: {message}' Faction: '&a{factions_roleprefix}{factions_title}{player}:&r {message}' FactionAlly: '&d{factions_roleprefix}{factions_name}{player}:&r {message}' Servers:

where anyone who has /chatspy turned on will see the Chatspy format instead of the standard format from /s or /l. This could also be fine if defined under each individual server instead. It would be nice if it was optional so that regular behavior would be exhibited if it isn't defined.

Ideally /g would keep the same format so that it can be seen that /global is being used.

Thanks for your consideration!

AltFreq commented 10 years ago

Yea there is no chatspy for global :D so it would stay the same. How about just a prefix for chat spy? For example you could have &7\ as the prefix

cheracc commented 10 years ago

I was really hoping to simplify it and remove prefixes (and just show the shortname of the server they are on) so my eyes don't bleed so much when watching all of it. It would be nice if I could make it all look like

[A] Playername: message [N] Playername2: message etc

Just adding a prefix wouldn't help with that.

What if instead it was configured like this?

Servers: lobby: Server: '&7[{prefix}&7] &r{suffix}{player}&r: {message}' Local: '&9[Local]{prefix}&f{player}&f{suffix}&f: &7{message}' Chatspy: '&7[{shortname}&7] &r{player}&r: {message}' Shortname: '&9L' ForceChannel: true ForcedChannel: Server UsingFactionChannels: false LocalRange: 50 AdminColor: '' DisableConnectionMessages: true

AltFreq commented 10 years ago

The only issue with that is how would you know what channel they are talking in? Factions towny local it would all look the same and lose all context.

cheracc commented 10 years ago

I don't use Factions or Towny so I didn't consider that. However, even if I did have a factions server, I'm using chatspy on my server just to watch for folks asking questions, bad language and spamming, etc., and I don't really care what channel they are using.

Though also I suppose that if I did want to see the normal factions chat, I could just not define a chatspy format for that server and it could show up normally.