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No-JavaScript friendliness? #70

Open Veraellyunjie opened 2 years ago

Veraellyunjie commented 2 years ago

With JavaScript off:

Many conscious users disable/block JS in their browsers. There are also smaller browsers, not featuring JS: netsurf, links with -g option, dillo etc. There are also terminal browsers: links, lynx, w3m etc.

JS is not critical to displaying the docs and to searching the docs. The only (but I may have missed smth) advanced functionality that does actually require JS is Run button, everything else, I believe, should work fine without JS...

Altai-man commented 2 years ago


I agree on the burger menu item - a non-JS version would be good to have.

As for the search, I believe the situation is the same as with the old website - without JS the search never worked there to begin with.

Utilizing the new top page search for this is a possible solution (

Run button is displayed although you can't Run without JS

Not sure we can do anything good here, given some pages have plenty of examples and rendering them client-side will considerably slow down loading for 95% of the users... I can be wrong, of course, but we need some measurements.

Anyhow, some things surely can be improved.