This page is for keeping a persistent list of articles that have been requested by readers. If you would like to add to this list or write an article about an idea from here, feel free to discuss it on the Discord server, on #writing-discussion.
1 A feature of "Transport belt madness" and "Tight spot"
It can maybe be combined with a feature of Puzzletory
2 Features of multiplayable/multiplayer-only scenarios ("PvP", "Team Production", "Wave defense", "Supply challenge", "rocket rush")
It would be great to invite players to share their stories from past large multiplayer events
There could be multiple articles depending on the amount of content
This page is for keeping a persistent list of articles that have been requested by readers. If you would like to add to this list or write an article about an idea from here, feel free to discuss it on the Discord server, on #writing-discussion.
1 A feature of "Transport belt madness" and "Tight spot"
2 Features of multiplayable/multiplayer-only scenarios ("PvP", "Team Production", "Wave defense", "Supply challenge", "rocket rush")