AlternativeMods / AlternativeEnergy

Universal Power Storage for Minecraft
7 stars 3 forks source link

Todo list for next release #6

Closed jeffreykog closed 10 years ago

jeffreykog commented 10 years ago


leanderlaugs commented 10 years ago

One of the issues I see on the list above is that tremendously annoying power loss in the BuildCraft buffer. So far I've had a lot of success by simply doing a similar perdition counter to add the lost power back to the buffer. The doWork() part is nice for this. When the activation energy is set to close to zero it will be called every time the perdition calculation is called. It might be worth looking into, because with the default BuildCraft way of doing things the buffer will always lose it's power on the same rate, no matter how big or small it is. Setting the perdition to 0 only means it will be set to the minimum perdition of 0.01 when the perdition calculator is initialized.

Lordmau5 commented 10 years ago

@Comadude We aren't using the BC Power Handler actually... It's like... being used for input, but as soon as there is energy in it, it get's converted into PBu (PowerBox Units)