Alterplay / APAddressBook

Easy access to iOS address book
MIT License
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Build Issues - parse errors #103

Closed inna215 closed 8 years ago

inna215 commented 8 years ago

I ran pod install with no issues. Opened my project and tried to build. I haven't tried using this yet. There are lots of compiler errors in APAddressBook.h - see examples below:

All "typedef" lines at the top are showing one of the following errors

expected ')' expected '>'

this line has about 5 different parse errors

@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSArray <NSSortDescriptor > sortDescriptors;

Am I doing something wrong?

inna215 commented 8 years ago

xCode version 6.4 I'm writing in Swift but I have other objective-C libraries and they compile fine.

belkevich commented 8 years ago

xCode 6.4 doesn't support generics. Thats why you get this errors. You can use APAddressBook version 0.1.14. It doesn't use generics. But if you Swift developer, I would recommend you to update to xCode 7 and unlock full power of Swift 2.0