Altimis / Scweet

A simple and unlimited twitter scraper : scrape tweets, likes, retweets, following, followers, user info, images...
MIT License
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The 'from' keyword is not supported in this version of the language. FullyQualifiedErrorId : ReservedKeywordNotAllowed #106

Open mrd33p opened 2 years ago

mrd33p commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am not from programming background, so please forgive my silly mistakes If I am doing something stupid.

I installed Scweet using pip install -r requirements.txt

then I tried importing fucntoin using from Scweet.scweet import scrape from Scweet.user import get_user_information, get_users_following, get_users_followers and tried running this command

data = scrape(words=['bitcoin', 'ethereum'], since="2021-10-01", until="2021-10-05", from_account=None, interval=1, headless=False, display_type="Top", save_images=False, lang="en", resume=False, filter_replies=False, proximity=False, geocode="38.3452,-0.481006,200km")

Then I got this error,


Please direct me to any tutorial on this if there is any. or please a small one.


Altimis commented 2 years ago

Hi @mrd33p. Please install Scweet by pip using pip install Scweet==1.8

mrd33p commented 2 years ago

I had already installed scweet before installing requirements.


the same error persists.

manishashar888 commented 1 year ago

I am new to Python. I have installed python 311 and using VS code, I am trying to connect to API smartapi from Angel One. I am getting following error while I execute


However following code is generating following erros



manishashar888 commented 1 year ago

manishashar888 commented 1 year ago

ImportError: cannot import name 'SmartConnect' from partially initialized module 'smartapi' (most likely due to a circular import) (d:\Manish\Python\

heartlog commented 1 year ago


The 'from' keyword is not supported in this version of the language.

is an error message from PowerShell (PS is powershell), not Python.

Make sure you're entering Python code into the Python interpreter, not the PowerShell PS cmd line interface.

StarButNoPatrik commented 4 days ago

dont use the powershell, instead opt for Python console