Need to review how states are handled for extra frames.
Plugin commands should have the ability to set states for characters, and those command should support some conditions.
AltimitMovement state this set "fishing" - Plays the fishing animation once
AltimitMovement state this set "dance" 3 - Loops the dance animation three times
AltimitMovement state this clear - Clears current state
Plugin manage should also allow configuring of extra frames. Idle state timeout should be a configurable option.
More states to add:
Jump (jump movement command)
Idle (character waiting N frames)
The way assets are handled needs to be revised to allow support for "exclude unused assets". Adding named/index character sheets in the Plugin Manager and allowing referencing them by name/index in the XML definitions is a good way to do this.
Need to review how states are handled for extra frames.
Plugin commands should have the ability to set states for characters, and those command should support some conditions.
Plugin manage should also allow configuring of extra frames. Idle state timeout should be a configurable option.
More states to add:
The way assets are handled needs to be revised to allow support for "exclude unused assets". Adding named/index character sheets in the Plugin Manager and allowing referencing them by name/index in the XML definitions is a good way to do this.