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Idea/suggestion for PoC - Collecting and structuring metadata with AI #15

Open leogasnier opened 11 months ago

leogasnier commented 11 months ago


In order to gain interoperability between different platforms and solutions, we need good metadata about the data used in a service. This job with data classification and populating the data catalogues on has been lagging behind for years.

Could a simple AI application feed on raw data an achieve a >80% coverage on a dataset in the data-catalogue that could raise coverage and data quality in order to stimulate to data-driven services in A3, and with a more runtime approach to the data-registries at data.norge.

As a starter this could be done with data managerd/owned by digdir that is not yet described in FDK. If the case is valid, this approach could be used in mapping and compiling other metadata-classes that we dont have general overview on like for instance processing of personal data (could be scraped from the "personvernærklæring"), in order to create cool personal data management applications.

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