Auditlog is now updated to use the authorization util created by Alexander. This eliminates major boiler plate code for the program file including yuniql settings etc.
This requires that we also move to a new format defined for the connectionstring. so we have the need to create new keyvault secrets with new secretname.
Note : The secrets are created manually in AT for testing. Infra team must remove them before testing their script
[x] Create keyvault secret name "Altinn--Npgsql--auditlog--ConnectionString". Copy the secret from "PostgreSqlSettings--ConnectionString"
[x] Create keyvault secret name "Altinn--Npgsql--auditlog--Migrate--ConnectionString". Copy the secret from "PostgreSqlSettings--AdminConnectionString"
Auditlog is now updated to use the authorization util created by Alexander. This eliminates major boiler plate code for the program file including yuniql settings etc. This requires that we also move to a new format defined for the connectionstring. so we have the need to create new keyvault secrets with new secretname.
Note : The secrets are created manually in AT for testing. Infra team must remove them before testing their script