Altinn / altinn-authentication-frontend

Authentication React frontend with BFF
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Implement Altinn system user design of User-initiated process (v1) in frontend #305

Open MetteGrytten opened 2 months ago

MetteGrytten commented 2 months ago

System user

As a user I would like to be able to create a new system user and administrate my existing system users in

When you create a system user you need to connect the user to a system. The system vendor has in advance defined rights that are included with their system. We need to show the user which rights follows the system.

The user should also be able to add several system users, and also delete a system user.

If the system vendor adds more rights later, the user needs to get notified.

The user flow starts at Profile/Avanserte innstillinger (logged in).

The solution also has to harmonize with the vendor initiated system user creation

Overordnet beskrivelse: Fremtidig løsning for sluttbrukersystemer:


Main user flow

Changes in screenshots may occur, for updated and more detailed sketches see FIGMA The user flow is tested on several users, and the sketches including texts are ready to be implemented in front end. Usability testing documentation in Miro

When user first enters System user from Altinn: View when user does not have any system users:

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 43 20

View when user already has System user(s):

View when user already has System user(s) without given rights:

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 42 09

Main user flow: Give the system user a name and choose system from a provider

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 34 32 Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 44 22

Main user flow: Present included rights

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 45 24

Main user flow: Confirmation created system user

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 48 21

Edit mode

With possibilities to:

First view:

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 26 07

Modal if you try to delete system user:

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 kl  10 26 24


Errors may occur if you do not have the necessary rights to delegate.

Skjermbilde 2024-05-03 kl  09 56 14

If it´s possible, it may be useful to show which right(s) missing:

Skjermbilde 2024-05-03 kl  09 56 21
MetteGrytten commented 2 months ago

Edit 26.04.24:

MetteGrytten commented 2 months ago

Edit 03.05.24: