Altinn / altinn-correspondence

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Implementer sletting av vedlegg #71

Closed Andreass2 closed 1 month ago

Andreass2 commented 1 month ago

Implement Delete Attachment request

Replicate functionality for Altinn 2, but also see if new logic is needed as multiple correspondences can reference the same attachment.

Should remove the attachment from azure storage

NB. Should the attachment be deleted if a active correspondence refrences it?

Andreass2 commented 1 month ago

It seems Altinn 2 has no restrictions on deleting from active correspondences. Are we okay with that?

Andreass2 commented 1 month ago

We need to add functionality to delete CorrespondenceAttachments from Correspondences aswell. Are we okey with introducing a third Guid to users and can we change documentation to simply explain the difference between a CorrespondenceAttachment and a Attachment.