Altinn / altinn-storage

Altinn platform microservice for handling instance storage
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Virus scan of binary attachment #104

Closed TheTechArch closed 1 year ago

TheTechArch commented 5 years ago


It is possible for orgs and users to attache binary files to instances of an app. We need to analyze if there is a need to perform virus scan of the binary files.

Likely to be wanted by NBIB as per comment: image

PO statement:

Binary attachments shall be scanned for virus so that app owners and end users can have the confidence that binary attachments from Altinn have been scanned. This means that all binary attachments added to the app instance shall be checked for virus. After MVP there might be that we shall give the option for app owners to turn off virus scan, as we have already got an indication that app owners do not want us to do so. This however is not in scope for MVP and must be discussed with security team.

In scope

Acceptance criteria



Internal link to analysis document


lorang92 commented 5 years ago

Could be a duplicate of Altinn/altinn-studio#1365 ? Or is related to at least

IneF commented 5 years ago

@lorang92 it is related. It was created after discussing Altinn/altinn-studio#1365

TheTechArch commented 5 years ago

@lorang92 they are kind of related, but also independend of each. It is seperate decisions. Server side validation we need to implement. Virus scan we can decide not to do

lvbachmann commented 5 years ago

Check with Kulturrådet if they expect us to do a virus scan. @helenekri

helenekri commented 5 years ago

See the slack channel with Kulturrådet for information regarding virus scan :)

lvbachmann commented 4 years ago

Goal for Epic: Analysis of possible solutions to a point where we're ready to pick one.

SandGrainOne commented 4 years ago

There will be a discussion/meeting related to this issue in August. Putting it on ice until then.

TheTechArch commented 2 years ago

@alt-how do we have recommended files to verify virus scan at service owner?

FinnurO commented 2 years ago

Kan dette være en løsning; Eventuelt høre med UDI hvordan de skannet opplastede filer i forbindelse med Karantenehotell appen.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Vi gjør en ny runde med vurdering av aktuelle antimalware-løsninger. Det er et behov fra sluttbrukere, vår side og tjenesteeier sin side at dette er på plass. Ved forrige gjennomgang krevde løsningene mye tilpasning for å kunne analysere filvedlegg. Det må også ses i sammenheng med migrering fra Altinn 2.

josteitv commented 1 year ago

@alt-how Så fint at dere gjør en ny vurdering. Er det konkludert på hvilken løsning man lander på?

Et punkt dere bør ta med i vurderingen, som ikke tidligere er nevnt i denne saken, er hvordan valgt løsning påvirker databehandleravtalen. Dersom vedlegg skal sendes til en ekstern aktør for virus-scanning, vil jeg tro at dette påvirker avtalene som allerede er på plass.

erik-nygren commented 1 year ago

Skatteetaten ønsker også denne funksjonaliteten.

FinnurO commented 1 year ago

Patentstyret må ha denne

tba76 commented 1 year ago

Virus scan er nå tilgjengelig i produksjon :)