This is a draft of an issue that should look into if we need to expand functionality for presenting data.
Today we have supported using read-only fields to show for example the user pre-fill data taken from some source, the sum of an calculation based on input by the user and generally show the user a dynamic value based on some source that the user can not edit. One challenge with this solution is that a read-only will get keyboard focus and if you choose to make it disabled you get another bunch of potensial UU problems. The best way to do this is to present this data as simple texts. Input fields should be used for user input and not present the user with information.
Design Tasks
[ ] Write guidelines
[ ] Design different relevant views for presenting data
[ ] Summary of an calculation where the label is left aligned
[ ] Summary in a table
[ ] Data tables
[ ] Panel for presenting more information and using less space. (For instance name, phone and e-mail of a person)
Screenshots or links to Figma (make sure your sketch is public)
Describe input (beyond tasks) on how the user story should be solved can be put here.
Ops requirements
Are there any requirements for monitoring? What is being built and what could go wrong?
Are there any requirements related to backup?
Acceptance criteria
Describe criteria here (i.e. What is allowed/not allowed (negative tesing), validations, error messages and warnings etc.)
Specification tasks
[ ] Development tasks are defined
Development tasks
Add tasks here
Add test cases here as checkboxes that are being tested as part of the changes.
Definition of done
Verify that this issue meets DoD (Only for project members) before closing.
[ ] Documentation is updated (if relevant)
[ ] Technical documentation (
[ ] User documentation (
[ ] QA
[ ] Manual test is complete (if relevant)
[ ] Automated test is implemented (if relevant)
[ ] All tasks in this userstory are closed (i.e. remaining tasks are moved to other user stories or marked obsolete)
This is a draft of an issue that should look into if we need to expand functionality for presenting data. Today we have supported using read-only fields to show for example the user pre-fill data taken from some source, the sum of an calculation based on input by the user and generally show the user a dynamic value based on some source that the user can not edit. One challenge with this solution is that a read-only will get keyboard focus and if you choose to make it disabled you get another bunch of potensial UU problems. The best way to do this is to present this data as simple texts. Input fields should be used for user input and not present the user with information.
Design Tasks
Ops requirements
Acceptance criteria
Specification tasks
Development tasks
Definition of done
Verify that this issue meets DoD (Only for project members) before closing.