Altinn / architecture-decision-log

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DevLake for collecting DORA metrics across DevOps-teams #1

Open altinnadmin opened 4 months ago

altinnadmin commented 4 months ago




Currently none of our DevOps-teams are actively using metrics for measuring and improving their performance over time. We cannot continue to ignore this DevOps best practice any longer.

DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) provides a standard set of DevOps metrics used for evaluating process performance and maturity:

We need to start collecting metrics across teams, and make it as easy as possible for the teams to use the metrics to improve.


We will start using DevLake for collecting metrics, since it looks like a very promising solution:

We do a poc first, gathering metrics from teams that are 100% on GitHub. It seems like Dialogporten and Broker are good candidates.


By setting up DevLake, and making metrics easily available for all teams, they will be able to use the data to improve. Collecting metrics from GitHub will push the teams to using GitHub automation instead of Azure DevOps pipelines.

As a DevOps-organization, it will become possible to reach internal objectives set for DevOps-maturity.