Closed jordanhenshaw closed 3 months ago
The merging of the original harmonizer and harmonizer_two is underway.
The current release of Sorcerer has all node and influencer animation disabled. They work fine for cue building but no animation. Also, influencers only influence intensity on that release. All that code is being replaced though with code that will restore full intended functionality.
harmonizer_two is partially debugged/connected and is finally controlling the console! Should have a lot of stuff working by tomorrow.
A lot of stuff is working. Still need to get influencers/brushes working, reincorporate pan/tilt nodes, adjust a few things here and there, revisit the Properties window, and after that, this should be mostly a non-issue. The rest will be completing the new 3D audio build and improving and rewriting parts of sequencer. I'm sure more features are yet to be added, but the harmonizer is getting close to no longer being this massive project to complete.
Also need to get the entire animation system back online, forgot about that one.
Properties window has been completely deleted, everything that used to be in properties. Entire old group_data system has been entirely removed and replaced by a much more easy to work with and versatile using PropertyGroup. Adding and removing groups and channels works. Renaming groups is now extremely simple (used to be impossible). Now need to finish the patch system so profiles can be applied as expected, particularly to large groups of objects. The import USITT ASCII button also works.
Harmonizer now needs influencers/brushes, those have been started. Need to implement more of a PropertyGroup approach as opposed to set() to keep track of current influences.
Then harmonizer will need to be reconnected to pan_tilt nodes. It will also need to be connected to flash strips.
Harmonizer also still needs animation capability. Depsgraph capability has begun.
COmpleted in Sorcerer 2.0 release.
Haronizer_two prototype has been added.