Alvinger / MMM-ResRobot

ResRobot module for Magic Mirror 2 - Display public transport departures
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Problem with fetching departures #6

Closed HenrikAhlgren closed 3 years ago

HenrikAhlgren commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm creating a new MagicMirror and everything seems to be working except this module. I've followed the instructions in the readme and my magicMirror config for this module looks like: { module: "MMM-ResRobot", position: "upper_third", header: "Avgångar", config: { from: "740059152", // ResRobot Station ID (or a comma-separated string of IDs) to: "", // ResRobot Station ID of destination (or a comma-separated string of IDs) skipMinutes: 0, // Skip departures that happens within the next minutes. maximumEntries: 6, // Number of departures to show on screen truncateAfter: 5, // A value > 0 will truncate direction name at first space after characters. 0 = no truncation apiKey: "my_api_key" // Your ResRobot apiKey } }, I see the text: "Avgångar" and for approx 1 minute the text: "Fetching departures ... " but after that no departures is shown. If I paste in the apiurl( in my browser with my apikey and my station id I get several departures as a response. What can be wrong? And how can I debug this? Is there a log anywhere? I have very little experience with Linux and .js/.json.
The other modules which is working is: time,calender,current weather, weather forecast, neewsfeed and the pir-motion detection for turning on hdmi output. Any help is appreciated!