Alwinator / react-native-http-bridge-refurbished

A simple HTTP server for React Native based on react-native-http-bridge.
MIT License
54 stars 20 forks source link

Unable to make the library work on Android #21

Closed wtlgo closed 1 year ago

wtlgo commented 1 year ago

Hello! When I try to compile with the latest RN (0.72.4) for Android I get the following message:

info Opening the app on Android...
info JS server already running.

info 💡 Tip: Make sure that you have set up your development environment correctly, by running react-native doctor. To read more about doctor command visit: 

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':tasks'.
> Could not create task ':react-native-http-bridge-refurbished:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
   > In order to compile Java 9+ source, please set compileSdkVersion to 30 or above

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at


Then when I try and patch the library with this:

diff --git a/android/build.gradle b/android/build.gradle
index 8b09d9edee324ad9a839c817c48e659f05cc582c..6505a3572e5963bbcbb81581280fcb89eae59676 100644
--- a/android/build.gradle
+++ b/android/build.gradle
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ allprojects {
 apply plugin: ''

 android {
-    compileSdkVersion 26
-    buildToolsVersion "26.0.2"
+    compileSdkVersion 33
+    buildToolsVersion "33.0.0"

     defaultConfig {
-        minSdkVersion 16
-        targetSdkVersion 22
+        minSdkVersion 21
+        targetSdkVersion 33
         versionCode 2
         versionName "1.1"
         ndk {

It compiles, but in return nothing really works. The server is running, but is not accessible to any device in the local network. What am I doing wrong?

wtlgo commented 1 year ago

I did another thing. I removed the patch and added this to my android/build.gradle

buildscript {
    // ...
    subprojects { subproject ->
        afterEvaluate {
            if((subproject.plugins.hasPlugin('android') || subproject.plugins.hasPlugin('android-library'))) {
                android {
                    compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion
                    buildToolsVersion rootProject.ext.buildToolsVersion

Now the request just takes forever to resolve and ends with (52) Empty reply from server when times out. As in #18.

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

@wtlgo Thank you for investigating! Unfortunately, I migrated to ios, so I don't have an Android phone to test this. Do you face the same issue with the Android Emulator? If yes, I will take a look at it later.

wtlgo commented 1 year ago

I am sorry, I have a potato laptop from 2013, there's no way I can run an emulator on this thing. Instead I tested it on all of my Android devices, and all of them behave the same.

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

@wtlgo No problem. I will try to reproduce the bug when I have time and get back to you!

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

@wtlgo I was able to reproduce the bug locally in my emulator, I will search for a solution in the next few days. In the meantime, I fixed the gradle versions ( So when using the npm install react-native-http-bridge-refurbished@next at least the build errors should be gone.

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

This bug seems very weird. On one hand, the request is received by the Android application as I found in the logs here:

2023-08-30 19:12:05.635 15187-15260 HttpServer              com.http_bridge_refurbished_test     D  Request received!

On the other hand, it does not send a response at all. I only get curl: (52) Empty reply from server when I restart or stop the service.

I have found some lines that seem suspicious to me:

2023-08-30 19:11:59.026 15187-15187 NetworkSecurityConfig   com.http_bridge_refurbished_test     D  No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2023-08-30 19:11:59.026 15187-15187 NetworkSecurityConfig   com.http_bridge_refurbished_test     D  No Network Security Config specified, using platform default

I think some security policies in Android changed and now non HTTP traffic must be explicitly allowed.

I have tried to set android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" in the Android manifest of my test application, however, I am still getting these two lines in the logs.

An alternative would be to set up a Network Security Context as shown here:

However, I am getting this problem:

@wtlgo @abdelhameedhamdy @mengheangrat It would be great if you could continue debugging and writing on this issue if you have any new findings.

I am very sorry, but my time is very limited because of my paid job and I don't think that I will have much time to debug this issue in the next weeks.

My Full Logs (App started + curl commad executed)
```log ---------------------------- PROCESS ENDED (15040) for package com.http_bridge_refurbished_test ---------------------------- 2023-08-30 19:11:58.316 508-557 InputManager-JNI system_server W Input channel object '5d7612e com.http_bridge_refurbished_test/com.http_bridge_refurbished_test.MainActivity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.321 508-557 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.322 324-324 Zygote pid-324 I Process 15040 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 2023-08-30 19:11:58.323 508-557 ActivityTaskManager system_server W Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=29 attached=false 2023-08-30 19:11:58.325 508-2219 ActivityManager system_server V Got obituary of 15040:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test 2023-08-30 19:11:58.326 508-549 ActivityManager system_server W setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 15040 2023-08-30 19:11:58.329 422-5130 installd installd E Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl1320379580.tmp: No such file or directory 2023-08-30 19:11:58.329 422-5130 installd installd E Failed to delete /data/app/vmdl1320379580.tmp: No such file or directory 2023-08-30 19:11:58.330 508-578 ActivityManager system_server I Force stopping com.http_bridge_refurbished_test appid=10082 user=0: pkg removed 2023-08-30 19:11:58.334 361-361 BpBinder surfaceflinger I onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 2023-08-30 19:11:58.334 361-361 BpTransact...edListener surfaceflinger E Failed to transact (-32) 2023-08-30 19:11:58.337 508-578 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.337 1234-1234 MediaProvider I Invalidating LocalCallingIdentity cache for package com.http_bridge_refurbished_test. Reason: package android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.339 755-755 MediaPlayerList V mPackageChangedBroadcastReceiver: action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.339 508-616 InputReader system_server I Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS | 2023-08-30 19:11:58.339 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ngt.g(0): ngt - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED, [eHRgYN1uSo-gxaPnLju9euRKybwMvnCQgKyivJxwE5k] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.340 508-546 CompanionD...gerService system_server D onPackageModified(packageName = com.http_bridge_refurbished_test) 2023-08-30 19:11:58.340 508-616 InputReader system_server I Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS | 2023-08-30 19:11:58.340 755-755 MediaPlayerList V mPackageChangedBroadcastReceiver: action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.340 755-755 MediaPlayerList D Name of package changed: com.http_bridge_refurbished_test 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$RegisteredReceiver 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 2023-08-30 19:11:58.341 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 2023-08-30 19:11:58.346 767-795 System W A resource failed to call release. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.347 1234-1234 MediaProvider I Invalidating LocalCallingIdentity cache for package com.http_bridge_refurbished_test. Reason: package android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.349 4964-14994 Finsky I [453] kwk.accept(41): IQ: handled package removed 2023-08-30 19:11:58.349 6763-14399 ActivityThread E Failed to find provider info for 2023-08-30 19:11:58.350 4964-14993 Finsky I [452] edv.VO(83): [ContentSync] finished, scheduled=false 2023-08-30 19:11:58.350 6763-15135 ActivityThread E Failed to find provider info for tvlauncher.mic 2023-08-30 19:11:58.352 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] gzb.a(1): AIM: AppInfoCacheUpdater -> invalidating apps: [com.http_bridge_refurbished_test] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.352 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] gzq.c(1): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > called for 1 apps 2023-08-30 19:11:58.352 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ngt.g(0): ngt - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [eHRgYN1uSo-gxaPnLju9euRKybwMvnCQgKyivJxwE5k] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.353 4964-14989 Finsky I [449] Wrote row to frosting DB: 256 2023-08-30 19:11:58.353 4964-5028 Finsky I [68] hay.a(5): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [com.http_bridge_refurbished_test] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.353 4964-5029 Finsky I [69] hay.a(5): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.354 4964-5018 Finsky I [63] gyo.apply(114): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: . Unique apps: 0 2023-08-30 19:11:58.355 4964-5018 Finsky I [63] har.a(11): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=1, cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.355 4964-5029 Finsky I [69] gyo.apply(114): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: . Unique apps: 0 2023-08-30 19:11:58.357 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] kzp.XC(1): DTU: Received onPackageAdded, replacing: true 2023-08-30 19:11:58.358 6763-15136 ActivityThread E Failed to find provider info for 2023-08-30 19:11:58.359 4964-14993 Finsky I [452] edv.VO(83): [ContentSync] finished, scheduled=false 2023-08-30 19:11:58.359 6763-15137 ActivityThread E Failed to find provider info for 2023-08-30 19:11:58.365 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] gzb.a(1): AIM: AppInfoCacheUpdater -> invalidating apps: [com.http_bridge_refurbished_test] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.365 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] gzq.c(1): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > called for 1 apps 2023-08-30 19:11:58.366 4964-5018 Finsky I [63] hay.a(5): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=0, cacheMissCount=1. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [com.http_bridge_refurbished_test] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.366 769-799 Permission...erviceImpl I Updating user sensitive for uid 10082 2023-08-30 19:11:58.367 4964-5029 Finsky I [69] hay.a(5): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > OnDeviceAppInfo > cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.367 4964-5029 Finsky I [69] gyo.apply(114): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: . Unique apps: 0 2023-08-30 19:11:58.367 4964-5029 Finsky I [69] gyo.apply(114): AIM: Got app ownership map. App counts: . Unique apps: 0 2023-08-30 19:11:58.368 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] VerifyInstallTask.ZK(7): VerifyApps: Verification complete: id=26, package_name=com.http_bridge_refurbished_test 2023-08-30 19:11:58.369 4964-14989 Finsky I [449] Wrote row to frosting DB: 257 2023-08-30 19:11:58.372 508-556 TextServic...gerService system_server W no available spell checker services found 2023-08-30 19:11:58.374 508-616 InputReader system_server I Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS | 2023-08-30 19:11:58.374 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ngt.g(0): ngt - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [eHRgYN1uSo-gxaPnLju9euRKybwMvnCQgKyivJxwE5k] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.377 4964-5018 Finsky I [63] har.a(11): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=1, cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.378 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1f9fc0000 0x1fa7ac000] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.378 4964-5018 Finsky I [63] har.a(11): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=1, cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.378 4964-5029 Finsky I [69] gmz.accept(30): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > data collection finished 2023-08-30 19:11:58.378 4964-5029 Finsky I [69] AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > maybeDestroyAppInfoManager is called. actives = 1 2023-08-30 19:11:58.378 4964-5028 Finsky I [68] har.a(11): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > ItemModel > CacheSize=1, cacheHitCount=1, cacheMissCount=0, total appsWithNoServerDataCount=1. Missed in cache (limit 10) : [] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.378 4964-5028 Finsky I [68] gmz.accept(30): AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > getApps > data collection finished 2023-08-30 19:11:58.378 4964-5028 Finsky I [68] AIM: AppInfoManager-Perf > maybeDestroyAppInfoManager is called. actives = 0 2023-08-30 19:11:58.379 4964-14989 Finsky I [449] Wrote row to frosting DB: 258 2023-08-30 19:11:58.380 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1fa7ac000 0x1faf98000] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.381 508-556 Searchables system_server W No global search activity found 2023-08-30 19:11:58.383 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ngt.g(0): ngt - Deduping intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.383 6763-6763 View W requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{9d4c35e V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080 #7f0b0068 app:id/background_image_container} during layout: running second layout pass 2023-08-30 19:11:58.383 6763-6763 View W requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{722c40c V.E...... ......ID 640,0-1920,720 #7f0b0224 app:id/old_image} during layout: running second layout pass 2023-08-30 19:11:58.383 6763-6763 View W requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{bd2033f I.E...... ......ID 640,0-1920,720 #7f0b00bf app:id/current_image} during layout: running second layout pass 2023-08-30 19:11:58.383 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ngt.g(0): ngt - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [eHRgYN1uSo-gxaPnLju9euRKybwMvnCQgKyivJxwE5k] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.383 6763-6763 Clearcut-EventLogger E Unexpected log parameter home_selected_row_position 2023-08-30 19:11:58.383 6763-6763 HomeController W onResume: List view global layout completed. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.386 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ngt.g(0): ngt - Deduping intent android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.388 4964-14989 Finsky I [449] Wrote row to frosting DB: 259 2023-08-30 19:11:58.390 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1faf98000 0x1fb784000] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.395 508-556 Searchables system_server W No global search activity found 2023-08-30 19:11:58.404 508-575 VerityUtils system_server E Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1: /data/app/~~jq6bBInj6wJxyUDPubuSgw==/com.http_bridge_refurbished_test-6k8W_1Z9PpikiFXZ6ZpA5A==/base.apk 2023-08-30 19:11:58.404 4964-14989 Finsky I [449] Wrote row to frosting DB: 260 2023-08-30 19:11:58.407 508-2150 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to 2023-08-30 19:11:58.407 508-557 BroadcastQueue system_server W Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED dat=package:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver 2023-08-30 19:11:58.409 4963-15149 PackageIntentOperation I Feature flags not enabled, skipping. [CONTEXT service_id=258 ] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.413 4963-15160 Auth I [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] onHandleIntent(): android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.413 4963-15160 PackageIntentOperation I Feature flags not enabled, skipping. [CONTEXT service_id=258 ] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.413 6763-6763 Clearcut-EventLogger E Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 2023-08-30 19:11:58.414 4964-14989 Finsky I [449] Wrote row to frosting DB: 261 2023-08-30 19:11:58.419 1139-1139 GoogleInpu...hodService I GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 2023-08-30 19:11:58.419 1139-1139 GoogleInpu...hodService I GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 2023-08-30 19:11:58.420 1139-1139 DeviceUnlockedTag I DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.422 4963-4963 BoundBrokerSvc D onBind: Intent { } 2023-08-30 19:11:58.423 4963-4963 BoundBrokerSvc D Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 2023-08-30 19:11:58.425 4963-15141 SQLiteLog W (28) double-quoted string literal: "com.http_bridge_refurbished_test" 2023-08-30 19:11:58.431 4963-4963 BoundBrokerSvc D onUnbind: Intent { } 2023-08-30 19:11:58.435 4963-5118 Icing I IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 2023-08-30 19:11:58.450 4963-5034 Icing W No valid account for uploading user actions 2023-08-30 19:11:58.452 508-517 system_server system_server I Background concurrent copying GC freed 82555(4480KB) AllocSpace objects, 25(2028KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 14MB/28MB, paused 145us,17us total 118.770ms 2023-08-30 19:11:58.457 4963-5107 Icing I IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=30 2023-08-30 19:11:58.458 508-519 System system_server W A resource failed to call close. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.458 508-519 System system_server W A resource failed to call release. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.466 4963-5034 Icing I Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 2023-08-30 19:11:58.468 4963-5034 Icing W No valid account for uploading user actions 2023-08-30 19:11:58.472 4963-5034 Icing I Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 2023-08-30 19:11:58.474 4963-5034 Icing I Indexing from 2023-08-30 19:11:58.477 4963-5034 Icing I Indexing done 2023-08-30 19:11:58.477 4963-5034 Icing I Indexing from 2023-08-30 19:11:58.478 4963-5034 Icing I Indexing done 2023-08-30 19:11:58.479 508-575 VerityUtils system_server E Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1: /data/app/~~jq6bBInj6wJxyUDPubuSgw==/com.http_bridge_refurbished_test-6k8W_1Z9PpikiFXZ6ZpA5A==/base.apk 2023-08-30 19:11:58.570 6763-6763 Clearcut-EventLogger E Unexpected log parameter tray_notification_count 2023-08-30 19:11:58.889 508-542 ActivityTaskManager system_server I START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.http_bridge_refurbished_test/.MainActivity} from uid 2000 2023-08-30 19:11:58.890 508-542 ActivityTaskManager system_server W Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=30 attached=false 2023-08-30 19:11:58.891 508-542 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 174042980; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.892 508-542 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 184838306; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.892 508-542 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 185004937; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.892 508-542 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 181136395; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.893 508-542 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 174042936; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.896 508-549 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.896 508-549 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.896 508-549 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10082; state: DISABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.896 508-549 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10082; state: ENABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.896 508-558 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10082; state: ENABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:58.899 324-324 Zygote pid-324 D Forked child process 15187 2023-08-30 19:11:58.899 508-558 ActivityManager system_server I Start proc 15187:com.http_bridge_refurbished_test/u0a82 for pre-top-activity {com.http_bridge_refurbished_test/com.http_bridge_refurbished_test.MainActivity} 2023-08-30 19:11:58.904 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1fb784000 0x1fbf70000] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.904 15187-15187 efurbished_tes pid-15187 I Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 2023-08-30 19:11:58.904 6763-6763 View W requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{9d4c35e V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1920,1080 #7f0b0068 app:id/background_image_container} during layout: running second layout pass 2023-08-30 19:11:58.904 6763-6763 View W requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{722c40c V.E...... ......I. 640,0-1920,720 #7f0b0224 app:id/old_image} during layout: running second layout pass 2023-08-30 19:11:58.904 6763-6763 View W requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{bd2033f I.E...... ......ID 640,0-1920,720 #7f0b00bf app:id/current_image} during layout: running second layout pass 2023-08-30 19:11:58.906 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1f8000000 0x1f87ec000] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.909 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1f87ec000 0x1f8fd8000] 2023-08-30 19:11:58.917 361-361 BpBinder surfaceflinger I onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 2023-08-30 19:11:58.919 1352-1388 adbd adbd I jdwp connection from 15187 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_11 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_4 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_8 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_2 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_5 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_7 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_10 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_9 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_6 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. 2023-08-30 19:11:58.931 508-3416 InputReader system_server W Device virtio_input_multi_touch_3 is associated with display ADISPLAY_ID_NONE. ---------------------------- PROCESS STARTED (15187) for package com.http_bridge_refurbished_test ---------------------------- 2023-08-30 19:11:58.938 15187-15187 Compatibil...geReporter pid-15187 D Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10082; state: ENABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:59.001 767-767 TvPipController D onTaskStackChanged() 2023-08-30 19:11:59.025 15187-15187 GraphicsEnvironment com.http_bridge_refurbished_test V ANGLE Developer option for 'com.http_bridge_refurbished_test' set to: 'default' 2023-08-30 19:11:59.025 15187-15187 GraphicsEnvironment com.http_bridge_refurbished_test V Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.026 15187-15187 NetworkSecurityConfig com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2023-08-30 19:11:59.026 15187-15187 NetworkSecurityConfig com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2023-08-30 19:11:59.032 15187-15187 SoLoader com.http_bridge_refurbished_test V Init System Loader delegate 2023-08-30 19:11:59.037 15187-15187 unknown:Re...gerBuilder com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W You're not setting the JS Engine Resolution Algorithm. We'll try to load JSC first, and if it fails we'll fallback to Hermes 2023-08-30 19:11:59.092 508-3416 ServiceManager system_server W Permission failure: android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10082 pid=15187 2023-08-30 19:11:59.110 15187-15187 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden field Landroid/view/View;->mKeyedTags:Landroid/util/SparseArray; (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.110 15187-15187 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden field Landroid/view/View;->mListenerInfo:Landroid/view/View$ListenerInfo; (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.110 15187-15187 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden field Landroid/view/View$ListenerInfo;->mOnClickListener:Landroid/view/View$OnClickListener; (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.112 15187-15187 flipper com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Inspector 2023-08-30 19:11:59.113 15187-15187 flipper com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Databases 2023-08-30 19:11:59.113 15187-15187 flipper com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Preferences 2023-08-30 19:11:59.113 15187-15187 flipper com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin CrashReporter 2023-08-30 19:11:59.114 15187-15187 flipper com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Network 2023-08-30 19:11:59.118 15187-15228 libEGL com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/ 2023-08-30 19:11:59.119 15187-15228 libEGL com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/ 2023-08-30 19:11:59.120 15187-15228 libEGL com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D loaded /vendor/lib64/egl/ 2023-08-30 19:11:59.129 15187-15211 System.err com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". 2023-08-30 19:11:59.129 15187-15211 System.err com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation 2023-08-30 19:11:59.129 15187-15211 System.err com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W SLF4J: See for further details. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.147 15187-15187 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Rect;)Z (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.148 15187-15187 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.168 15187-15187 unknown:ReactNative com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Packager connection already open, nooping. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.171 508-550 Compatibil...geReporter system_server D Compat change id reported: 158002302; UID 10082; state: ENABLED 2023-08-30 19:11:59.172 15187-15226 HostConnection com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D createUnique: call 2023-08-30 19:11:59.173 15187-15226 HostConnection com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb4000077031d5a90, tid 15226 2023-08-30 19:11:59.174 15187-15226 HostConnection com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_has_shared_slots_host_memory_allocator ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_queue_submit_with_commands ANDROID_EMU_sync_buffer_data ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_qsri ANDROID_EMU_read_color_buffer_dma GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_3_0 2023-08-30 19:11:59.176 184-184 hwservicemanager hwservicemanager I getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.176 15187-15226 OpenGLRenderer com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without... 2023-08-30 19:11:59.176 15187-15226 OpenGLRenderer com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Failed to initialize 101010-2 format, error = EGL_SUCCESS 2023-08-30 19:11:59.177 15187-15226 EGL_emulation com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D eglCreateContext: 0xb4000077031d6090: maj 3 min 0 rcv 3 2023-08-30 19:11:59.177 15187-15226 EGL_emulation com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D eglMakeCurrent: 0xb4000077031d6090: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0x791f3eb080) (first time) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.182 361-503 HWComposer surfaceflinger E getSupportedContentTypes: getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 4619827259835644672: Unsupported (8) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.182 184-184 hwservicemanager hwservicemanager I getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.182 15187-15226 Gralloc4 com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I mapper 4.x is not supported 2023-08-30 19:11:59.183 15187-15226 HostConnection com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D createUnique: call 2023-08-30 19:11:59.183 15187-15226 HostConnection com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb4000077031d6b10, tid 15226 2023-08-30 19:11:59.185 15187-15226 goldfish-address-space com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D allocate: Ask for block of size 0x100 2023-08-30 19:11:59.185 15187-15226 goldfish-address-space com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x1f7ff8000 size 0x8000 2023-08-30 19:11:59.187 184-184 hwservicemanager hwservicemanager I getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device VINTF manifest. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.187 15187-15226 Gralloc4 com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W allocator 4.x is not supported 2023-08-30 19:11:59.188 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1f8fd8000 0x1f97c4000] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.190 15187-15226 HostConnection com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D HostComposition ext ANDROID_EMU_CHECKSUM_HELPER_v1 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v2 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v3 ANDROID_EMU_native_sync_v4 ANDROID_EMU_dma_v1 ANDROID_EMU_direct_mem ANDROID_EMU_vulkan ANDROID_EMU_deferred_vulkan_commands ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_null_optional_strings ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_create_resources_with_requirements ANDROID_EMU_YUV_Cache ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_ignored_handles ANDROID_EMU_has_shared_slots_host_memory_allocator ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_free_memory_sync ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_shader_float16_int8 ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_queue_submit ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_queue_submit_with_commands ANDROID_EMU_sync_buffer_data ANDROID_EMU_vulkan_async_qsri ANDROID_EMU_read_color_buffer_dma GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_host_side_tracing ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_3_0 2023-08-30 19:11:59.192 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1f97c4000 0x1f9fb0000] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.193 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1fd7c4000 0x1fdfb0000] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.203 508-546 ActivityTaskManager system_server I Displayed com.http_bridge_refurbished_test/.MainActivity: +311ms 2023-08-30 19:11:59.225 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1fbf70000 0x1fbfd4000] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.227 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1fdfb0000 0x1fe014000] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.227 336-336 goldfish-address-space and...raphics.allocator@3.0-service D claimShared: Ask to claim region [0x1fe014000 0x1fe078000] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.246 1139-1139 GoogleInpu...hodService I GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 2023-08-30 19:11:59.246 1139-1139 GoogleInpu...hodService I GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 2023-08-30 19:11:59.246 1139-1139 DeviceUnlockedTag I DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.298 508-542 InputManager-JNI system_server W Input channel object 'b71bc39 PopupWindow:876e753 (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 2023-08-30 19:11:59.312 15187-15236 unknown:ReactContext com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W initializeMessageQueueThreads() is called. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.314 15187-15187 unknown:ReactNative com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Packager connection already open, nooping. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.326 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.traceupdateoverlay.TraceUpdateOverlayManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.329 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.uimanager.LayoutShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.331 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.drawer.ReactDrawerLayoutManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.332 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.334 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactHorizontalScrollContainerViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.336 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.ReactProgressBarViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.337 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.progressbar.ProgressBarShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.338 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.scroll.ReactScrollViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.339 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.339 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.switchview.ReactSwitchManager$ReactSwitchShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.339 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.swiperefresh.SwipeRefreshLayoutManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.340 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.FrescoBasedReactTextInlineImageViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.341 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.frescosupport.FrescoBasedReactTextInlineImageShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.342 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.image.ReactImageManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.343 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ReactModalHostManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.343 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.modal.ModalHostShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.344 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.344 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactRawTextShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.344 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.346 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.textinput.ReactTextInputShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.347 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.348 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactTextShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.349 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.view.ReactViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.350 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.350 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.text.ReactVirtualTextShadowNode 2023-08-30 19:11:59.350 15187-15238 unknown:Vi...rtyUpdater com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.react.views.unimplementedview.ReactUnimplementedViewManager 2023-08-30 19:11:59.357 15187-15238 unknown:ReactContext com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W initializeMessageQueueThreads() is called. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.372 15187-15238 flipper com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I flipper: FlipperClient::addPlugin Fresco 2023-08-30 19:11:59.453 15187-15238 WebViewFactory com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I Loading version 91.0.4472.114 (code 447211484) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.470 15187-15238 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->isTagEnabled(J)Z (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.470 15187-15238 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.470 15187-15238 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->traceEnd(J)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.470 15187-15238 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceBegin(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.470 15187-15238 efurbished_tes com.http_bridge_refurbished_test W Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/Trace;->asyncTraceEnd(JLjava/lang/String;I)V (unsupported, reflection, allowed) 2023-08-30 19:11:59.477 15187-15238 cr_LibraryLoader com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I Loaded native library version number "91.0.4472.114" 2023-08-30 19:11:59.478 15187-15238 cr_CachingUmaRecorder com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I Flushed 5 samples from 5 histograms. 2023-08-30 19:11:59.487 508-542 InputManager-JNI system_server W Input channel object 'c7429ff Splash Screen com.http_bridge_refurbished_test (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 2023-08-30 19:11:59.506 15187-15237 ReactNativeJS com.http_bridge_refurbished_test I Running "http_bridge_refurbished_test" with {"rootTag":11} 2023-08-30 19:11:59.628 15187-15238 HttpServer com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D Initializing server... 2023-08-30 19:11:59.629 15187-15238 HttpServer com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D Server started 2023-08-30 19:11:59.657 1046-1638 FontLog I Received query Noto Color Emoji Compat, URI content:// [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.658 1046-1638 FontLog I Query [emojicompat-emoji-font] resolved to {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.659 1046-1638 FontLog I Fetch {Noto Color Emoji Compat, wdth 100.0, wght 400, ital 0.0, bestEffort false} end status Status{statusCode=SUCCESS, resolution=null} [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.662 1046-1638 FontLog I Pulling font file for id = 36, cache size = 4 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 2023-08-30 19:11:59.665 1046-1638 FontLog I Pulling font file for id = 36, cache size = 4 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 2023-08-30 19:12:00.354 2421-2493 chromium W [] ConnectTimeout called but index does not match or socket has been destroyed. 2023-08-30 19:12:02.402 508-2088 TaskPersister system_server E File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 2023-08-30 19:12:05.441 508-3416 ProcessStats system_server W Tracking association SourceState{b7e4b3d system/1000 BTopFgs #11071} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{de0cf32} proc state 3 (156 skipped) 2023-08-30 19:12:05.635 15187-15260 HttpServer com.http_bridge_refurbished_test D Request received! 2023-08-30 19:12:09.558 345-345 android.ha...rvice-mock and....power.stats@1.0-service.mock E Failed to getEnergyData 2023-08-30 19:12:09.792 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] plv.onStartJob(4): SCH: job service start with id 9241. 2023-08-30 19:12:09.798 4964-14993 Finsky I [452] pkl.a(93): SCH: Satisfied jobs for 9241 are: 12-1 2023-08-30 19:12:09.799 4964-15265 Finsky I [457] pht.accept(15): SCH: Job 12-1 starting 2023-08-30 19:12:09.801 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ContentSyncJob.v(3): [ContentSync] job started 2023-08-30 19:12:09.821 4964-15266 Finsky I [458] sss.i(1): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 2023-08-30 19:12:09.821 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] ContentSyncJob.a(1): [ContentSync] Installation state replication succeeded. 2023-08-30 19:12:09.821 4964-4964 Finsky I [2] pkg.r(4): SCH: jobFinished: 12-1. TimeElapsed: 22ms. 2023-08-30 19:12:09.831 4964-5028 Finsky I [68] myw.accept(10): SCH: Scheduling phonesky job Id: 1-1337, CT: 1693408602806, Constraints: [{ L: 14399998, D: 43728243, C: 1, I: 1, N: 1 }] 2023-08-30 19:12:09.834 4964-5018 Finsky I [63] phm.apply(22): SCH: Scheduling 1 system job(s) 2023-08-30 19:12:09.834 4964-5018 Finsky I [63] pkf.d(4): SCH: Scheduling system job Id: 9244, L: 7472970, D: 36801215, C: false, I: false, N: 1 2023-08-30 19:12:09.838 4964-15265 Finsky I [457] plv.a(16): SCH: job service finished with id 9241. 2023-08-30 19:12:13.149 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 2023-08-30 19:12:13.149 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 2023-08-30 19:12:13.149 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 2023-08-30 19:12:13.149 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 2023-08-30 19:12:13.149 2421-2421 chromium I [] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=3 [metrics_stat_logger] Usonia.DirectoryService.ReceiveHeartbeatIsRoot=1 [metrics_stat_logger] Usonia.DirectoryService.SendHeartbeat=2 [metrics_stat_logger] Usonia.DirectoryService.TLS.HandshakeFailed=1 2023-08-30 19:12:13.375 4963-4963 BoundBrokerSvc D onUnbind: Intent { } 2023-08-30 19:12:13.475 1046-1046 BoundBrokerSvc D onUnbind: Intent { } 2023-08-30 19:12:13.490 4963-4963 BoundBrokerSvc D onUnbind: Intent { } 2023-08-30 19:12:28.397 508-602 ProcessStats system_server W Tracking association SourceState{b7e4b3d system/1000 BTopFgs #11103} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{de0cf32} proc state 3 (49 skipped) 2023-08-30 19:12:30.264 1352-1352 adbd adbd W timeout expired while flushing socket, closing 2023-08-30 19:12:49.205 508-2219 WifiNl80211Manager system_server D Scan result ready event 2023-08-30 19:12:49.205 508-2219 WifiNative system_server D Scan result ready event 2023-08-30 19:13:13.015 2421-2421 chromium I [] Record action: Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Unknown 2023-08-30 19:13:13.015 2421-2421 chromium I [] Record action: Cast.CecStandby.Unknown 2023-08-30 19:13:13.019 2421-2492 chromium I [] No histogram or IOCTL data 2023-08-30 19:13:13.155 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 2023-08-30 19:13:13.155 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 2023-08-30 19:13:13.155 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 2023-08-30 19:13:13.155 2421-2421 chromium I [2421:2421:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 2023-08-30 19:13:13.155 2421-2421 chromium I [] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=5 [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Unknown=1 [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.CecStandby.Unknown=1 [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.ConnectionType.Unknown=1 [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Network.CheckIn=1 [metrics_stat_logger] Usonia.DirectoryService.SendHeartbeat=2 ```
abdelhameedhamdy commented 1 year ago

@Alwinator Thanks for your time for troubleshooting this issue,

I tried to run this repo with Android and it works, after some modification in build.gradle

Regarding the Metro Bundler RN issue, I just added network_security_config.xml file in res/xml with this xml content

    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>

update : and updated AndroidManifest with


And RN screen error disappeared in emulator, but still exist with physical device, I think it needs some investigation.

abdelhameedhamdy commented 1 year ago


Repo : react-native-http-bridge

Working on android without adding networkSecurityConfig/usesCleartextTraffic params in AndroidManifest.xml file.

So I think the refurbished repo needs some tuning

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

@abdelhameedhamdy react-native-http-bridge-refurbished is based on the repo you have sent. react-native-http-bridge is not maintained for several years now. It is only working with very old and deprecated android versions. On which Android version did you test?

I've just published a new version. Can you please test the latest version? (

abdelhameedhamdy commented 1 year ago

@abdelhameedhamdy react-native-http-bridge-refurbished is based on the repo you have sent. react-native-http-bridge is not maintained for several years now. It is only working with very old and deprecated android versions. On which Android version did you test?

I've just published a new version. Can you please test the latest version? (

@Alwinator Android 12

abdelhameedhamdy commented 1 year ago

@Alwinator Already tested with mavenCentral update in build.gradle and updated sdkVers, Got the same issue Empty reply from server

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

@abdelhameedhamdy Not sure what you are doing, but the old react-native-http-bridge repo throws several errors for me. What did you change to make it work?

abdelhameedhamdy commented 1 year ago

@Alwinator Just followed

and the bridge build.gradle looks like this :

    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

allprojects {
    repositories {

apply plugin: ''

android {
   compileSdkVersion 33
    buildToolsVersion "33.0.2"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 22
        versionCode 2
        versionName "1.1"
        ndk {
            abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"
    lintOptions {
       warning 'InvalidPackage'

dependencies {
     implementation  'com.facebook.react:react-native:+'
     implementation  ''
     implementation  'org.nanohttpd:nanohttpd:2.3.1'

and it did work

wtlgo commented 1 year ago

UPD: I did some cross-platform tests and found some weird conclusions. When I opened the initial issue I was using Linux Mint as my development OS. Now I switched to Windows, updated to v1.2.8, and tried to rebuild the same exact project and it started to work. Still doesn't work when built under Linux for some reason. I hope this might be helpful.

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

@wtlgo Thank you for your insights! I tried to build on MacOS and it did not work either. I assume that there is some build issue on Unix.

abdelhameedhamdy commented 1 year ago

@wtlgo Thank you for your insights! I tried to build on MacOS and it did not work either. I assume that there is some build issue on Unix.

Me too

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 1.2.9 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket:

Alwinator commented 1 year ago

This issue has been resolved by @flokol120! I have also tested on on my MacBook and it works perfectly! Thank you a lot for your great contribution, Flo! :)